Red_Avatar: I wish they had left it on the screen. That way, you're more inclined to use it since it's only a click away and giving it its own place on-screen shows they care about your input. Hiding it is as if saying "meh, we don't care about your bug reports". I can guarantee you that the amount of bug entries is going to greatly drop now.
Seeing as this is the UI they are going to use post release, I expect they hid the bug report not so much to say they don't care, but to give the impression to new players (who were not in beta) that they are playing a fully released game which shouldn't really have any noticeable bugs in it. Or in other words, they may feel that if paying customers saw that bug report button they might feel that they have bought a beta product and not a released one. Granted, such people obviously don't understand MMOs at all, but still; first impressions and all that.