tor: I just received the Star Trek TOS boxset I ordered a while ago, and it included an activation code for a "Wrath of Khan" admiral's uniform for Star Trek Online.
I googled it, and it seems like the code is identical for everyone. I'm sure a lot of you already knew about this, as it appears to be common knowledge by now, but for those who didn't; go to and enter the code JIH MUSHA SOH to get the uniform.
Sweet thanks for letting me know! I added it to my list of activations :)
Anyone interested in starting a GOG fleet?
EDIT: I added your code and got a free extra subscription month o_O. It now says "Next Billing Date: Apr 11 2010" when before it said "Next Billing Date: Mar 11 2010". And my next billing date will be for three months, so no I didn't pay for it.
So let me see: for £25 (€28), I received
- a T-Shirt
- beta access
- early starter code
- borg uniform
- a free month
- 500 cryptic points
- 5 postcards
- a big box
- a big map
- ANOTHER free month
Not a bad deal :P