What is the Wishlist?
The Community Wishlist is the place to suggest, discuss and vote on all the things you would love to see on GOG.com.
To browse wishes, start by selecting one of the four categories above.
How do I vote and comment?
When you click on a wish you will see a separate page with details as well as voting, commenting and reporting options. Also, you can quickly cast a vote on any wish, by moving your mouse over it until a vote button appears.
How do I add a wish?
Wishes can be added from the applicable category pages (Games, Features, Movies or Galaxy).
Games most voted this week show all
Features most voted this week show all
active 30 minutes ago
Stop removing original versions of games when you sell the remastered onesMovies most voted this week show all
active 4 hours ago
GOM (like GOG but for movies), focus on "rare" movies: old movies, anime, independent cinema, etc.+2156
active 4 hours ago
GOG Documentary about how you guys getting the rights to sell some good old gamesGalaxy most voted this week show all
votes fulfilled 13663943
votes cast 115018
wishes added
votes fulfilled 13663943
votes cast 115018
wishes added