Fictionvision: You can.
I installed Dead Space, closed Origin completely and tried running the game. It worked. I then figured why the hell not and uninstalled Origin. The game still loaded.
Origin made a separate folder called Origin Games and made a Dead Space folder in it, so the game remained after the client uninstalled.
Licurg: That's great ! :D Guess that means I'm buying the bundle, thank you !
Some titles are a bit more dickish than others in this regard; Alice can function independently of Origin (I don't remember if I even had to load the client to activate the key) but Kingdom of Amalur will throw a tantrum if you don't log in.
both were developed by third parties to EA, both are SP only titles, but they don't share the same level of involvement with Origin.
at the same time Battlefield 3 requires you to have Origin installed to play, but once you have registered your keys the game will only load up the background functions of Origin (not the full client). after that the game loads up the battle log webpage and you run the game from a browser .... it is fucking weird.
I have come to realize that EA is much like congress; for all of its appearance of being a unified entity, the reality is that it is a giant cluster fuck of sub-factions who operate on varying levels of autonomy based on their profitability and corporate powers have little control over the individual divisions outside of being able to shut them down if they don't turn a profit.
You just gotta roll with the hits when it comes to EA; the partners program turned out some of the greatest / most well polished PC games I have seen from EA, yet Visceral churns out dog shit PC versions of Dead Space like it was getting an award for it ...
doccarnby: Figured I'd jump in, what the Hell, right? I went for a bit over the average, even though neither Battlefield 3 or The Sims 3 interested me. If they add stuff in the second week, people who already bought get it automatically, right? I've never used the Humble Bundle before (I haven't been able to get the keys because my e-mail decided that now would be a good time to shit its pants).
I paid $10, despite owning 3 fo the games on the list, simply because of charity and Mirrior's edge alone is worth it.
Dead Space 2 is all but a given as one of the additional titles, but I have a strong feeling that the Premium pack for Battlefield 3 may show up too since BF3 is mostly worthless without it (not to mention BF3 as a whole is going to become redundant once BF4 hits, so I think they will go for a big push to get people primed for 4).