Tranquil.Suit: Here's a creepy thought, imagine if EA buys GOG!
Sounds almost as bad as if Valve bought GOG.
I find it very refreshing that Humble Bundle is now starting to sell Origin keys (and games for which they offer only Origin keys). If I see one Steamtard complaining about this "because I don't wanna use Origin, but Steam"... nyah nyah nyah! :D Maybe they now understand better why some people want GOG to release certain games, even if they already exist also on Steam.
Not sure if I'll get this. I have most of the games already on Steam, not sure if it offers anything to have them also on Origin separately. Then again, some like KneeTheCap feel that having The Witcher 2 on both Steam and GOG is more value than having it only on GOG, so I presume that similarly having e.g. Mirror's Edge in both Steam and Origin is also "more value"?
Maybe I'll get it for Dead Space 3 and Burnout Paradise then (nice that you don't even need to beat the average for them). Does it have lots of useful DLC that you'd have to buy separately, or is the base game, without paying anything extra, just as good?
BTW, what is that "Medal of Honor" game? The same as in GOG? Didn't someone claim before that EA does not add Origin requirements for their older games?