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JUst finished UAKM and Morning's Wrath.
Playing Obscure (it's on pause right now), URU CC (always playing it), Rhiannon and Barrow Hill. Tomorrow i'll be picking up The Pandora Directive and i guess i'll start that one aswell.
Mentalepsy: I also have several that I've installed, started on, and then drifted away from. That includes The Witcher. I really enjoyed the first two chapters (at least after I started to look at the game as an adventure game rather than an RPG), but chapter 3 was like running into a solid wall made of boring with a mouth that constantly screams "don't play me."

Stick with it... the pacing gets better on Chapter 4 onwards. A lot better.
Then again, I loved pretty much all of it, though I do agree that Chapter 3 felt longer than any of the other chapters. It's still one of the best RPGs I've played.
Mentalepsy: I also have several that I've installed, started on, and then drifted away from. That includes The Witcher. I really enjoyed the first two chapters (at least after I started to look at the game as an adventure game rather than an RPG), but chapter 3 was like running into a solid wall made of boring with a mouth that constantly screams "don't play me."
Wolfox: Stick with it... the pacing gets better on Chapter 4 onwards. A lot better.
Then again, I loved pretty much all of it, though I do agree that Chapter 3 felt longer than any of the other chapters. It's still one of the best RPGs I've played.

It would be so much better if all these women I don't give a shit about would stop dragging Geralt into bed with them against my wishes. What do I have to do, be flat-out abusive?
(It also irritates me that, when out drinking with Geralt's buddies and discussing marrying some girl, I kept selecting the most emphatic "no" responses on the list, but my man G hemmed and hawwed and waffled unbelievably...)
Post edited June 30, 2009 by Mentalepsy
On PC, I'm primarily working through Gothic 1.
Until recently, I've been primarily a PS3 gamer, so I've been working through Prototype, Fuel, Sacred 2, Wolverine, etc....
I really have to stop playing so much at once, I rarely end up finishing games.
Mentalepsy: It would be so much better if all these women I don't give a shit about would stop dragging Geralt into bed with them against my wishes. What do I have to do, be flat-out abusive?

You can generally avoid most of the encounters, if not all. Not that you should. :-D
People accuse The Witcher of misoginy all the time, but think about it for a second. It's a more "liberal" society, but no reliable contraceptives are available, as it is pretty much "medieval" in terms of technology and such. Think the 60/70's "hornyness" without the pill.
Then, enter Geralt. He's a super-strong mutant (possibly with some pheromone changes :-D), who can't get any disease (hence, DSTs are not a risk), and is sterile (can't impregnate anyone). Hence, he's the perfect candidate for casual sex for any liberal woman in its place and time, which is why he's more "solicited" than usual. He doesn't use women; rather, he's used by them, which is interesting.
It makes sense to me, but the game is much more than that, of course. Give it a chance.
Wolfox: People accuse The Witcher of misoginy all the time, but think about it for a second. It's a more "liberal" society, but no reliable contraceptives are available, as it is pretty much "medieval" in terms of technology and such. Think the 60/70's "hornyness" without the pill.
Then, enter Geralt. He's a super-strong mutant (possibly with some pheromone changes :-D), who can't get any disease (hence, DSTs are not a risk), and is sterile (can't impregnate anyone). Hence, he's the perfect candidate for casual sex for any liberal woman in its place and time, which is why he's more "solicited" than usual. He doesn't use women; rather, he's used by them, which is interesting.
It makes sense to me, but the game is much more than that, of course. Give it a chance.

It's not that I'm morally offended that somebody got sex in my RPG (although the trading card thing makes it a little hard to take seriously). It just gets on my nerves that I keep somehow careening into encounters that I'd really rather avoid.
I'm not saying it's a bad game. It's quite a good game and a lot was done right with it. It's just that chapters 1 and 2 were so good, and chapter 3 just seems so... pointless. It sapped my desire to keep playing it.
Never fear, though. I intend to go back and finish it at some point.
Post edited June 30, 2009 by Mentalepsy
Atomic Bomberman, Burnout Paradise, Galactic Civilizations II, and sometimes Demigod or Team Fortress 2 for a quick game (strangely enough the TBS game on the list I spend the most time with). I've a lot of others I haven't finished (or started for that matter).
- Mount & Blade
- Original War
- Celtic Wars
- Splinter Cell
- Unreal Tournament 3
- 7 Wonders 2 (casual gaming)
- Luxor 2 (also casual)
Installed but not playing them because of whatever:
- The Battle for Middle Earth
- Starcraft
- The orange box
- Trackmania nations forever
Bought but haven't installed yet:
- TOCA Race driver 3
- Flatout
- Splinter Cell double agent
- Tomb Raider anniversary
- Just Cause
- STALKER Clear sky
- 10th anniversary Delta Force collection
You can tell I'm a bargain hunter all right. I've been buying games faster than I can play them.
Been playing a lot of Stronghold: Crusader lately. Such a fun, challenging strategy game. Plus, it makes my inner history geek squeal with glee!
Besides that, been very busy so I haven't had much time to play many games. The beginning of last month I went on a Football Manager binge, but with my hours being sucked up by classes, I can't dedicate myself to that anymore. Sorry Sichuan FC!
Right now it seems I'm going back and forth between Castlevania: SOTN, Ikaruga, Lost Odyssey, and Call of Duty 4.... yea I know, it's quite a strange mix haha
LBartley: On PC, I'm primarily working through Gothic 1.
Until recently, I've been primarily a PS3 gamer, so I've been working through Prototype, Fuel, Sacred 2, Wolverine, etc....
I really have to stop playing so much at once, I rarely end up finishing games.

I have the same problem -- it's sick! I've got it at two for now...I hope it stays that way. Haha.
KevO392: Castlevania: SOTN

Awesome game!
been playing oblivion lately.. and some l4d and guildwars.. and as always Puzzle League GBA
Post edited June 30, 2009 by Weclock
In order of decreasing play time...
Supreme Commander
Cod 5 - got it free :)
Advanced Wars: Days of Ruin
I very rarely finish a game it's really bad, I drift away and start a new one.
The games I am currently actively playing are:
Trauma Centre: Second Opinion (WII)
Dragon Quest: Chapters of the Chosen (DS)
Final Fantasy X (PS2)
Disciples (PC)