Mentalepsy: It would be so much better if all these women I don't give a shit about would stop dragging Geralt into bed with them against my wishes. What do I have to do, be flat-out abusive?
You can generally avoid most of the encounters, if not all. Not that you should. :-D
People accuse The Witcher of misoginy all the time, but think about it for a second. It's a more "liberal" society, but no reliable contraceptives are available, as it is pretty much "medieval" in terms of technology and such. Think the 60/70's "hornyness" without the pill.
Then, enter Geralt. He's a super-strong mutant (possibly with some pheromone changes :-D), who can't get any disease (hence, DSTs are not a risk), and is sterile (can't impregnate anyone). Hence, he's the perfect candidate for casual sex for any liberal woman in its place and time, which is why he's more "solicited" than usual. He doesn't use women; rather, he's used by them, which is interesting.
It makes sense to me, but the game is much more than that, of course. Give it a chance.