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gpaulusz: It's easier to attach a screenshot then type them in sorry. :-))

How can you play so many at a time? Especially all those point-and-click games!
gpaulusz: It's easier to attach a screenshot then type them in sorry. :-))
RandomSkratch: How can you play so many at a time? Especially all those point-and-click games!

He's the human version of Windows!!
bioshock, puzzle league GBA, reaxxion, ut3.. doom.. more...
RandomSkratch: How can you play so many at a time? Especially all those point-and-click games!
Hmm, don't know. :-) When I stuck in one of them I just try to go on with another. And while i am playing another a solution pops in my head so I continue the other one. And of course there are some which i finished already but haven't uninstalled it yet for some reason. And of course i dont always want to play with everything so today i wanted to play JA2, yesterday UT3, who knows tomorrow maybe Kyrandia. :-)))
You got me. I'll be Skynet. :-)
RandomSkratch: How can you play so many at a time? Especially all those point-and-click games!
gpaulusz: Hmm, don't know. :-) When I stuck in one of them I just try to go on with another. And while i am playing another a solution pops in my head so I continue the other one. And of course there are some which i finished already but haven't uninstalled it yet for some reason. And of course i dont always want to play with everything so today i wanted to play JA2, yesterday UT3, who knows tomorrow maybe Kyrandia. :-)))
You got me. I'll be Skynet. :-)

SHODAN's better....except for the cyberstutter....
Carryover from a similarly themed thread:
Whether it's something from or not, what are you guys currently playing, and what's the lineup for the next games you're going to play?
For me:
Currently: Fallout 2
Next: Freespace 1
Then: Baldur's Gate 1

I'm playing Fallout 2 as well...I'm not sure what to get next, though.

Currently playing Storm of Zehir (second NWN2 expansion). Next up is another run through Storm of Zehir, then likely I'll finish my Fallout 3 game. After that, I'm likely going to look at playing through Sacred Gold that I recently purchased from GoG.

I'm switching between games. I'm currently playing Half-Life 1, Sacrifice and Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Once I'm done with one of them (most likely Half-Life 1), I'll be buying something new from GOG. Or, more likely, I'll buy something new from GOG within the next few days, to take advantage of the 3 for 2 offer, but won't start playing any of them until then.

Disciples 2, Front Office Football 2007, Medieval Total War 2 (specifically the Broken Crescent mod) and Gal Civ 2.

Far Cry 2.

Right now I am playing Still Life, and I guess I will either start Far Cry 2 or FEAR when I finish that.

Fallout 3. Then Burrnout Paradise and my rapidly growing collection of GOG games. (Buy 2 get one 6 dollar game rocks. i already know what i'll get ;))

Fallout 3
Assassin's Creed
Left 4 Dead
And I always find time to squeeze in some TF2.

Warhammer Online (most often, PC)
Morrowind (from time to time, PC)
Ultima: The Black Gate (sometimes before i go to sleep, PSP)
Fallout 3 (PC)
Red Alert 3 (PC)
Fable 2 (Xbox 360)
WoW: Wrath Of The Lich King (maybe, PC)

I am playing Disciples 2, Perimeter and Titan Quest now. I guess I'm going to finish Unreal 2, when I'll be in FPS mood again.
Oh, and I'm playing Warhammer 40k: Dark Crusade. But I play that pretty much all the time

randomly running those games:
Oblvion GOTY
Fallout 2
Disciples 2
Jagged alliance 2 (prefered last few days)
WoW (not so much last month)
L2 (not so much :) )
Mass Effect (for evil char now)
I have tried playing two games at once, but was reasonable only if one of them is turn based or doesnd need too much attention :P
Waiting games :
Fallout 3 with mods to play REAL fallout, not some kiddish pseudorpg.
Witcher Enchanted edition

Tie Fighter (collector's ed.)
Witcher EE
Beyond Divinity
Coin Mcrae's 2005
Call of Duty UO
On Deck:
Fallout 1,2&3
BIA: Hell's Highway

Right now Oblivion (Xbox 360), and Hinterland.
I would be playing Morrowind and VtM: Bloodlines, but I've hit some tech trouble with a load of my games at the same time.

I either play Dystopia (Cyberpunk FPS/Source Mod) -
or Fable at the moment.
I also have Diciples and Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption started, and i wanted to play Fallout 3 a second time, with an evil char and lots of mods, to see the rest of the locations etc., but i just can't play a game again right after i finished it. Perhaps later.
I also should finish NWN (Blackguard Series, Fan Modul) and NWN 2...

Currently Freespace 2,, and Fallout 3.
Very shortly Arx Fatalis and Gothic
In future want Valkyria Chronicles and Witcher

Commander Keen, man that complete collection is hard!
Final Fantasy 3 snes or ps1..
Post edited January 10, 2009 by hansschmucker
Just played a round of Lego Indiana Jones. I always loved Traveller's Tales games and the new Lego games are really perfect for me. Sure, the gameplay is simple, but the games really capture the beautiful atmosphere of the movies (I own both: Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Star Wars). The environments are stunning and the character animations surprisingly sophisticated.
(Note: Some of these games aren't brand new but I've only had a computer good enough to play them for the last 2 months)
Games I was already playing before xmas that I haven't finished yet:
FarCry 2
Dead Space
Fallout 3 (2nd play-through)
Games I bought from steam with their xmas sale and have now started:
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
Company of Heroes
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Civ 3
Online games that I will be playing far into the forseeable future:
Team Fortress 2
Left 4 Dead
I also played a little freeware indie game called "Polychromatic Funk Monkey" today
for about an hour and a half, and it is definitely worth the price :)
I just got a copy of Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War annnnnd......
I usually don't play RTS games but I was recommended to try it out by fellow GOGers. (thanks guys!!!!). Oh my gawd it is awesome!!!! The atmosphere the graphics which really aged well and run oh soooo smooth on my laptop and in Vista no less! Everything about that game kicks fundament!
I'm going to try and get the rest of the Dawn of War expansions and the other Warhammer 40K titles that were recommended.
Well, I had been playing NHL09 for 360
Recently it has been pretty much the same since I got my new computer, Left 4 Dead, TF2, CS:Source and Race 07.
Every once in a while I'll try to play the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but man, I supremely suck at it. Even on novice I die every 5 minutes.
Dawn of War: Soulstorm, Unreal Tournament 3, Reaxxion and Luxor 2.
Lord of the Rings Online
Diablo II
Tribes Vengeance
"Defense of the Ancients" ( a Warcraft 3 mod)
Team Fortress 2 or Counter-Strike
one of several role-playing games (Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, NWN, Fable)
one of several adventure games (Fallout, Secret of Monkey Island, Feeble Files)
...and I will probably see about getting Death Rally to work over a Hamachi server.
Post edited January 11, 2009 by Khalaq
mcfustin: Crysis Warhead, PC - trying to get back into this, was fun initially but I lost interest for some reason
Wishbone: You must have lost interest pretty quick then, 'cause this game is short as hell!

Yeah, I've got a pretty short attention span :P
I just took advantage of the Giants/Sacrifice deal too, so those will be on the list soon enough!
Fallout 3
Call of Duty World at War
Left 4 Dead
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 on the DS
mcfustin: I just took advantage of the Giants/Sacrifice deal too, so those will be on the list soon enough!

Good for you! I can't recommend those two games enough. They are both absolutely must-haves.