lotr-sam0711: Fine with me. It just seems a lot of people go out of their way to rip on Steam. Post the word "Steam" on any thread and a 3 page Steam bash-fest ensues.
Aliasalpha: Hmm, is it only me that thinks the word "steam" could be replaced with the words "Fallout 3" and the point would remain the same?
There are many things that could replace "steam" in that post; Microsoft, Apple, MMO games, Guns, Porn...
But yeah, I have no opinion on steam, as I have had no reason to use it, nor do I hate Fallout 3 either, it's a much more accessible way for me to slip into the Fallout universe than the previous games and actually made me want to play them to get a better more complete picture of the world and its story. Couldn't do it before as playing turn based games usually make me feel like I'm running head-first into walls every 5 meters, sure, he walls break and I can get through but I have to stay and wait till the hurting stops to continue, and then there's another wall. Much better to slow down and pause willingly (as in Baldur's Gate et al) without the wall being there.
There, let the flames take me, I've voiced my opinion on both much-hated topics.