Tsunami: Ah=] In fairness, you could've used singular, though=] Like 'a GOGer'.
You know - it took me 5 minutes to decide whether I want the more game-like singular "I sense a GOGer in search of answers" or the more appropriate "I sense GOGers in search of answers".
Ultimately, I decided that if I choose the first one, the obvious reaction would be "Just
ONE GOGer in search of answers 0_o ? What about the rest of us ?", so I settled for the plural version, figuring that since I'm paraphrasing anyway, I might as well do it in a way that would make the most sense...
And then you claim I have never played the original Diablo QQ ! Me ! A die-hard Blizzard fan, ever since I set my eyes upon the first Lost Vikings...
Tsunami: As Dristvaan said, it's probably not a good idea to get too excited. If your expectations aren't too high you'll likely be happy with The Big Announcement(tm).
Abandon all hope, you, who do not wish to be disappointed ?
Aw, come on -
we can always write a sad "meh" if it's not what we expected. On the other hand - if it is impressive, it'll totally be worth the pre-announcement excitement to be able to say "Eff yeah - I was RIGHT ^^ !"...