Zhirek: Wow.
This was highly entertaining so thanks to all of the participants.
Zelli I'm just wildly guessing here so correct me if I'm wrong please.
It seems to me that you take these kind of internet quasi arguments too seriously.
I say quasi because in every real argument you must have a common ground in which both parties holding the argument can agree upon. This is lacking here.
Then I feel that the other participants don't take this interaction as seriously as you do. This discrepancy is probably causing you to take this interaction of name calling even more serious, which isn't healthy.
Again if I'm wrong, tell me where I did go wrong.
I don't think you're stupid. Actually you might even be of above average intelligence. You're probably only lacking in social skills.
I would also like to say that genius does not border on insanity. In my line of work I was sent on multiple assessments, which told them that as far as IQ goes I'm a genius (140/150). I even regularly meet people who are considered genius by today's standards and none of them are insane.
If you want to check yours and can't afford a EUR 1000,- a day costing assessment you can go
here and do the TA3 test. This is one of the best free tests around and the end result wouldn't deviate much from your actual IQ.
And yes I know, you don't have to tell me that the only which is certain about IQ is, that the higher the number the better the person is in making IQ tests.
Also good luck in university next year.
You um... guessed pretty much right >_<. I'm an INTJ, I thrive on arguments, I'm not nearly as full of myself as I seem but I love being right.
I'm higher in IQ and intelligence then my dad, who was a genius, but also a psyzhophrenic >_< (I'm not, don't start). I come from a large number of geniuses who went insane in their later years.
I don't take this name calling serious in a angry way, I find it hilarious and the other people lacking in intelligence TBH.