JoeSapphire: Also: Tracker, Jack-of-Trades, Hider and Rubbish-Masons seems like a fairly weak town. Presumably P1na was something. Jack could have been crazy powerful I suppose. No way of telling now.
FLUB: Could we have a bit of background for innocent child?
Maybe Vitek forgot to make mafiaz and so we all are townz.
Vitek can we haz winz now?? Huzzah for townz!!!
The One Free Man freed my race from my enslaver so I do what I can to help the humans.
You can check my previous posts for direct Vortigaunt quotes and even some "Combine" references, which made me giggle just a skosh.
And in the interest of full disclosure, I actually misread my PM and thought I was an actual human child in the very beginning. Hence the posts regarding my being a human. After going back and looking I felt rather stupid. I haven't played Half-Life 2 in so long the Vortigaunt part escaped my memory.