lowyhong: Just to confirm, 1 post = 1 rep point now?
Neville: Not exactly. I won't describe you the system in details but posting is promoted to certain extent as well as getting votes for you're posts. Solving questions also matters. I will not say anything more about this even if you get the spanish inquisition and a comfortable armchair...
Whatever you guys changed, it has quite frankly ruined the rep system. The earlier system: one point for each day you post, 5 points for solving something, a point for an unknown number of positive votes, etc. almost made the rep system meaningful, in that it was for all practical purposes, an indication of the quality of a particular poster's community contributions. Now it seems to be little more than an indication of how often you post, not how well you post. This will just encourage spamming, which is what we have all feared from the start of the rep system.
EDIT - Only 30 minutes on the site today and I've already gained another 3 or 4 rep points. Rep used to be a challenge to get, which is what made the rep of users like Rallack so impressive. He got his high rep through very significant and extremely useful participation in the community, now it seems that just showing up here gets you more rep per day than Rallack was able to earn on a weekly basis with all the technical help he has provided to so many people
Also, it appears that when rep updates, it only updates in the most recent post, all previous posts by a user still reflect whatever rep they had when they made that post. This is a huge step backwards for the GOG forums, since they long ago eliminated that particular bug.