Posted November 21, 2011

Registered: Apr 2010
From Poland

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal
Posted November 21, 2011

The wanted list will apparently be replaced (no clue about an ETA though) so gog probably won't be wasting time patching up the current one. The current one was always lacking and IMO it wasn't an accident that the link to it was removed from sight when gog moved out of beta ;)
instead of
If you have FireFox, you can use Stylish to fix this until GOG does.
Post edited November 21, 2011 by Namur

Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted November 21, 2011
Looks like Stylish is also available on Chrome and I think Opera lets you change style sheets without an add-on (not sure though).
My user style:
@-moz-document url-prefix('') {
a.link_arrow {
background:url('') !important;
EDIT: Posting killed the spacing.
My user style:
@-moz-document url-prefix('') {
a.link_arrow {
background:url('') !important;
EDIT: Posting killed the spacing.
Post edited November 21, 2011 by adambiser

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal
Posted November 21, 2011

My user style:
@-moz-document url-prefix('') {
a.link_arrow {
background:url('') !important;
EDIT: Posting killed the spacing.

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan
Posted November 22, 2011
The URL tag that automatically gets applied to any pasted link, cuts off the final / causing some links to not work correctly.

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted December 01, 2011
It appears that GOG has finally (FINALLY!) fixed the order of results returned when using the forum search function. It looks to me like it now returns the best matches first instead of last. Incredible, that it should take them 3 years to flip the "order by" clause.

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal
Posted December 01, 2011
Awesome, the in house search was always pretty week since, well, ever, nice to see it spruced up.
Maybe now they'll get around to fix the 'invisible' threads too, fingers crossed.
Maybe now they'll get around to fix the 'invisible' threads too, fingers crossed.

Good Old Gamer
Registered: Dec 2010
From Greece
Posted December 02, 2011
The voting system for the reviews is buggy.
Steps to reproduce: Visit any gamecard, for example the latest addition, Desperados 2. Currently, there are only two reviews, and the second consists of only two words, so you want to down-vote it as no helpful. Click no, see the thanks for your vote sign and then refresh the page. Voila, your vote sign is absent, so it seems that you haven't voted yet - not true. If you vote again (yes or no - it doesn't matter), you also see a bug with the vote counter as it can't process correctly your second vote. Now, I know that sometimes votes registration used to delay, but this happens regardless of the delay. And yes, if you note the helpful votes (before and after your choice), you see that you can vote only once. A possible solution in order to see which reviews you have already voted: change the sorting option (more recent/helpful first) and all your vote signs are back.
Another bug, I think should be mentioned:
Main page not loading completely
I can reproduce it on a slow connection (Firefox). From the above discussion, we can presume that it happens on multiple browsers due to a poor ajax implementation or a slower connection to the server (maybe both?). Possible fix: refresh
Steps to reproduce: Visit any gamecard, for example the latest addition, Desperados 2. Currently, there are only two reviews, and the second consists of only two words, so you want to down-vote it as no helpful. Click no, see the thanks for your vote sign and then refresh the page. Voila, your vote sign is absent, so it seems that you haven't voted yet - not true. If you vote again (yes or no - it doesn't matter), you also see a bug with the vote counter as it can't process correctly your second vote. Now, I know that sometimes votes registration used to delay, but this happens regardless of the delay. And yes, if you note the helpful votes (before and after your choice), you see that you can vote only once. A possible solution in order to see which reviews you have already voted: change the sorting option (more recent/helpful first) and all your vote signs are back.
Another bug, I think should be mentioned:
Main page not loading completely
I can reproduce it on a slow connection (Firefox). From the above discussion, we can presume that it happens on multiple browsers due to a poor ajax implementation or a slower connection to the server (maybe both?). Possible fix: refresh
Post edited December 02, 2011 by Stelis

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden
Posted December 02, 2011
The most recently replied-to thread cannot be marked as read (until another thread contains the most recent post, at which point that one begins to suffer the same condition instead).

Good Old Gamer
Registered: Dec 2010
From Greece
Posted December 02, 2011

Edit: I double-checked the general discussion sub-forum, and for me (at least) the marking problem manifested even when there was a newer post in another thread. Also the second thread was marked correctly as read, while the first remained (falsely) unmarked. Maybe there is a problem with wrong timestamps as the unmarked thread had also a "last update" attribute of "now" instead of e.g. "5 min. ago".
Post edited December 02, 2011 by Stelis

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden
Posted December 03, 2011

I rarely visit the game-specific forums, so I hadn't noticed it there (or at least I don't remember having noticed it, a more likely case).
.. on the othe hand, there have been cases where a post isn't added until several minutes after it's been submitted, so this might even coincide with that - the thread knows it has a new post, but the post doesn't show up and thus cannot be read... okay, I'm just flailing wildly here, but it may be something to think about.

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal
Posted December 03, 2011
Thanks guys.
The timestamps problem is indeed very annoying, clicking on the same thread multiple times because it's mistakenly marked as having new posts when in reality the last post was made minutes ago and already read is no fun. I wonder if it's the out of whack timestamps that are causing some posts to be 'eaten' as well.
The timestamps problem is indeed very annoying, clicking on the same thread multiple times because it's mistakenly marked as having new posts when in reality the last post was made minutes ago and already read is no fun. I wonder if it's the out of whack timestamps that are causing some posts to be 'eaten' as well.

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic
Posted December 03, 2011

By my calculations, if GOG fixed that and *finally* added a "jump to first unread post" feature, the forums would instantly become 48.56% better.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted December 07, 2011

The timestamps problem is indeed very annoying, clicking on the same thread multiple times because it's mistakenly marked as having new posts when in reality the last post was made minutes ago and already read is no fun. I wonder if it's the out of whack timestamps that are causing some posts to be 'eaten' as well.
Also, do others have also problem with PM's system or is something wrong with my browser? I have list of users in the middle of screen (instead of left) and converstion itself is beneath the user list not next to it.
Edit: Also, I just had similar problem with timestamps in PM as is in the threads. I got message, replied to it and mine is shown before the message I recieved and marked one minute older.
Edit 2: Happen to my conversation partner too so this is not fault of my browser.
Post edited December 07, 2011 by Vitek