just thought this might be a little comfort to those of us here:
"According to an official Facebook petition page for the game, Gearbox and SEGA are supposedly issuing a statement this week on the game's new patch and a possible apology for the game's poor quality.
The information comes from a supposed industry source which has contacted the owner's of the petition page, which has recently dis-confirmed the recent news of a massive 8 GB patch for the game:
"Hi gamers. The 8Gb patch for Aliens: Colonial Marines is in fact a hoax which was posted on twitter. However, we have been able to confirm with sources within Sega, and Gearbox that one or the other, or both companies will be making an official statement this week on what happened to the game between the demo, and its official release. An apology will also be in this statement as well as details on a potential software patch. We will be following these sources very closely this week, and will provide you with the latest info as we get them. ~ Sarge"
Official Linky:
http://vr-zone.com/articles/gearbox--sega-to-apologize-for-aliens-colonial-marines-this-week-/19059.html#ixzz2MHkVrPgv Now the patch i admit would be greatly welcome and it a shame its a myth but there is always hope...right?...right?!
it would be decent for them to step up and actually apologise publicly and maybe explain a little, but im convinced itll all be legally consulted and pre approved so it wont actually explain anything which is a shame.
i guess time will tell though, they can make steps towards redeeming themselves.
at this point i wish i had the pc version so i could at least use the modded files to get the thing to look decent but alas im on the 360. and wont be getting a second copy for the pc unless it drops like a stone!
actually so far im sorta enjoying it, can see whats coming a mile off though :(