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Stop removing original versions of games when you sell the remastered ones
I don't get it. GOG also adds the original Game into your library, if you buy a remastered.
I agree with Dawnsinger. Don't remove old versions because a remastered version is available. It also goes against your own "preserve old games" campaign.
Even though GOG likely has no real say in that matter, us users supporting this here at least provides them with something to back up their arguments with.
must work for them, period, they bought it and that's not fair to suddenly break the thing. If some want both new and old, GOG just should keep them both and allow folks to choose. On top of that it does in fact keep some delisted games, this is the same idea
They can't just "not remove games". GOG only distributes games, but they don't own them. If the actual owner of the IP says they don't the fame sold anymore, you can't do anything. It's not rocket science.
The site literally has the "preservation" programme yet at the same time it allows for e.g. Saints Row IV or Risen to get overwritten by the newer ports which have various problems for everyone who bought it. I strongly disagree with the notion that the site shouldn't sell games not supporting the latest OSes because at the end of the day if one bought a game for Windows [number] it must work for them, period, they bought it and that's not fair to suddenly break the thing. If some want both new and old, GOG just should keep them both and allow folks to choose. On top of that it does in fact keep some delisted games, this is the same idea and it makes sense to do.
I believe they probably remove them because they stop working, The site shouldn't continue to sell games that won't work on modern operating systems that are incompatible and won't be receiving a fix; but if you want them to include a non-working game that they don't support, then go right ahead.
A lot of you guys are fucking blind lmao
Observer shouldn't have been removed. I played the original version and there was nothing wrong with it. Just having the redux is a travesty.
They absolutely must sell the originals With the remasters, otherwise I would not purchase them, or seek a key reseller for the original.
Sometimes the remake is not as good or the art direction changes too drastically, even removing features that they thought most would not notice.
The remake of Dead Rising is not what I'm eluding to, but that is also a great example. Dead Island Definitive changes the look and feel of the original Dead Island in such a way that I would find key resellers if it is no longer available, and members on the forum ask on Every Single Remaster the same question: Are The Originals Included If I Buy The Definitive Bundle? It's not just for Graphics Comparisons on YouTube, people genuinely want to play the originals too, also because their system is older and they can't play a less optimized definitive HD version, or they are locked out completely due to their OS to boot.
We are not only asking you to please include the original releases, but declaring that you absolutely have to, that it is an obligation.
Not just out of preference of visuals and content, but because our hardware only supports as much.
+5000 users seem to not understand how things work. GOG sells/provides/hosts games, but that doesn't mean they own the rights of them. If the copyright holders want to remove the games, GOG has absolutely no say on the matter. They can try to convince them but if they can't, they have to remove them. No contract can avoid that (because, if GOG shos a "we will have full control of the game, so you won't remove a game from this store" clausule, no publisher will want to sell atheir games here). People just love to vote unreasonable wishes, like the ones wishing for GOG to port old console exclusive games...
Preservation of this game is so important
@ Pax11
Who provide those games? GOG
Who host it? GOG
So who is responsible for it in the first place; yep, GOG.
Too easy to say that GOG doesn't have any influence on it, cause they have. Those publishers can say what they want, but they signed an agreement with GOG that their games may be sold on GOG. It would mean breaking the agreement if they demand that it has to be pulled off. GOG can then just hold them to the agreement. So it is GOG who pulls it from the store.
very surprised that 5K+ people think GOG has any control over this. It's the publisher that pulls the original version, not GOG. it's not "something that goes on here." it's net-wide and involves IP's and copywrites.
With the GOG Preservation Program, keeping original versions for remastered games just makes even more sense.
This is indeed a sound idea. I want the classic versions of Baldur's Gate 1-2 and Icewind Dale 1-2 to return to GOG. :(
Not exactly "remastered" but now with next-gen version of witcher 3, there is only 1.31 classic version available in offline installers. 1.32 is only available through galaxy :/'s extortion...
George Lucas did the same thing when he released those horrendous "Special Editions" while claiming the original movie as seen in theaters could not be preserved and made available...He did release what is claimed to be the theatrical movie, but it has Special Edition CGI garbage in it all the same, so it's not the original as seen in theaters's disgusting greed
Same with Sam and Max Seasons 1 and 2 from TellTale Games (now TellTales). They're stuck behind a remaster that some people don't like because of political correctness nonsense they've shoved into them. To some people, buying those remasters just to play the originals, would be giving money to a company who ruined those games. I know that the original games were once there, and they were removed in 2019, possibly due to the company wanting people to buy their remasters instead. There's no way for new players to buy the originals anymore, without buying the remasters. Game preservation should be about getting the version you want SEPERATLY, not buying a bad remaster cause it's holding the original hostage.
Too often remastered versions leave something out, add in something (that really shouldn't be there) or screw something else up.
Not to mention remastered ones don't look like the original, I mean that's the whole point of a remaster in most cases is to upgrade the graphics and such.
I love Hero's Quest I (Quest For Glory I after the lawsuit) in it's text version, the VGA one is terrible IMO, and that's an old remastering.
Dark Souls Remastered isn't a good as the original IMO for a lot of reasons people have discussed elsewhere.
It's like everyone has forgotten what "GOG" literally means: Good Old Games. CDPR founded this venture to support and keep available old games that other platforms (and often their publishers) forgot. If GOG is culling its library to cater to the very same callous and shallow-minded sentiment that was THE REASION FOR ITS FOUNDING, then I'd lose a lot of trust in both GOG & CDPR and have serious concerns over spending my money with them.
Absolutely agree with this! 9/10 I don't need remasters to supersede originals!
This is 100% out of GoG's control. Publishers that own the IP make these decisions. The reason they take it down is that their new product would be in competition with the old one, especially if the old one was significantly cheaper because it had no features or remastering. The good news is if you did buy the original, it remains available to download and install. There are companies such as Google Play that removes access to games you buy there once they are delisted. So at least we aren't dealing with that bogus practice.
I don't like it when companies do that. It's worse when the game's been altered and there's no option to revert the changes back to how it was in the original. An example I can think of is Nightdive's remasters.
A thousand times, yes. With very, very few exceptions, I always prefer the original to the remaster. I no longer even consider playing modern remasters. But in so many cases I am forced to buy the more expensive remaster version just so I can get the DosBox version as an extra. So stupid.
Considering what happened to the original Sonic Generations on other platforms, I second this. Even more so when there are customers who prefer the original versions of games than the remaster ones.
They should just stop removing games all together. Removing one of the only legitimate ways to obtain hard to find games actively promotes piracy.
Yes and also quit changing original classic versions withOUT our permission! Such as Knights of the Old Republic II and not giving us DOWNLOADABLE copies, rather than "downgrades". Some of us offload from one PC to another it is not safe for example to downgrade on Windows XP But I prefer playing KoToR2 on EAX sound in XP.
It would be rather nice if we could get the installers for the classic versions of the games once the remastered ones are released, and we purchase that/or just some way to purchase the classic versions at a discount. Some games still have the original game copies included for free, like Bood Rayne...
I wish I could buy the 2011 Skyrim and the original Observer.
Can only second that. I'm already familiar with ways of modding originals and have neither time nor patience to go over it again.
I understand publisher wants to sell a 'new' product and wants to make it fully compatible with modern systems, but availability of original game / iso in the download is not going to hurt sales.
Spending lot of time with classics 20-25 years ago I also find some originals to simply look / play better.
2011 Skyrim 32-bit me too, please...
I should get rid of steam, sooner or later.
2011 Skyrim 32-bit please...
I want the DOSBox versions of Little Big Adventure back!!!
My DOS PC doesn't care about the remastered version ffs!
They are kind of doing it AFAIK. They used to only sell Doom 3 BFG, but now they added in the the original Doom 3, which is in many ways superior. In the case of Bioshock, the original comes included with the remastered, but it would be nice to be able to just buy the original at a much lower price of course. I would love to se this happening especially on games where the original had features that were cut off, like EAX sound.
I am not aware of any releases which don't have this. Which games are you referring to?
My guess would be that GOG is forced to bundle classic versions of games with their "enhanced" versions -- it's probably not a choice that they would make on their own. And it's probably done solely to artificially bolster the sales numbers of those "enhanced" versions, for God only knows what reason.
I want Metro 2033 (released in 2010) here available.
1) <a <a href="href=«»target="_blank">yes</a>" class="light_un" target="_blank">href=«»target="_blank">yes</a></a>
2) <a href="">yes</a>
3) [url:[url=]yes[/url]] (php)
4) <a href="[URL=""]yes[/URL]" class="light_un" target="_blank">[URL=""]yes[/URL]</a> (html)
5) [url:[yes](]
6) [url:[L=]yes[/L]]
7) <a href="[link=""]yes[/link]" class="light_un" target="_blank">[link=""]yes[/link]</a>
8) <a href=«»>yes</a>
Remember, if a game is not available for purchase, it becomes abandonware. SO its just good for you. You then have both the moral and legal right to get it for free and it does not even constitute piracy.
#NotALawyer, please check your countries rules and regulations.
taking off the classic version of RPGS is a legit crime. Makes me feel much more comfortable buying games off of steam. I used to support GOG like it was an actually important entity in our culture. With the endless porno games and erasing classics for trash remakes??? Yea, steam works too.
There was no Original Metro 2033 in the Gog store as I remember, but I want it to be available in my library (yes, I have Metro Redux)! In some aspects like most of the character models, some weapon models, and effects Metro 2033 Original is much-much better, I can confirm that and I think other gamers can support me.
I understand the point of view of e7th04sh. Thanks for long answer with good arguments.
I have one point important point: Mods!
There are thousands of Mods out for original versions. People made them but do not upgrade them a for remastered version.
This is fine to me. They spent a lot of time for keeping theits Mod update for all original versions. 10 Years later, remaster appears. Nobody can catch up to a 10 years old code.
Personaly I am looking for a W10 working original of Skyrim incl all original patches and dlc, goodies etc. Just for Mods. I own the remastered all inclusive version.
The original version do not start with W10. I suspect the DRM.
And an big NO to unoffical sources.
i wish they could do what bethesda did with the classic Doom games which with one purshase now you get all versions of said game, but sadly idk how much control GOG has over this situation
That's actually some bad devs who do, but yes, GOG shall work on preventing such replacements. It's not rare to have a perfectly working old version (e.g. Saints Row IV) being replaced by a crap one, sadly, with zero ways to return except doing (oh no!) piracy. If GOG doesn't want people being forced to fix that by piracy, it must change the policy.
Imma be honest here chief, I get that the publisher "wants" - but what about the fact I bought a game and now I can't have what I bought because the publisher "wants"? The customer "wants" too!
I totally agree. We absolutely must have a choice.
Yes, surprisingly I come to GOG for good old games, not new cash grabs.
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