Goodmongo: And this is why it's a f'd up world. Sometimes you have to force people to change their culture if that culture is wrong. I can't believe you condone slavery or honor killings. Guess the world lacks morals today.
Ryuubei: So who decides whose morals are right? Society? Yeah cause society gets everything right!
I don't condone honour killings, and in my country (UK) it' illegal and anyone who does it gets slamed. However we don't have the right to go to another country and say 'your morals arent ours, so your wrong. We're going to force you to change'. NOONE has that right, thinking like that has lead to just about every major war we've ever had, and it never solves anything.
People should just stop sticking their noses into places it dosent belong
I see you're from the UK. Maybe you should read some of your own history. Like what Charles Napier said while in India. he had it right after all.
"Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs."
Zoidberg: I honestly ADVISE people to download a torrent before contemplating giving money for this.
There are enough issues to make it a messed up launch...
Export: I agree with this. I've been in several forums today and it's 90% "the game keeps crashing on PC" and "this game runs like crap on my i7, 16GB, 970 PC", then partly certain issues like passing a turn in the Gwent game causing the game to crash on PS4 (I had this too) and myself and some other players have also had a problem where the game won't update past 1.01. I've also had the quite funny but also disappointing thing of
Geralt's buddy Vesemir riding along on an invisible horse. All in all its okay for me on PS4 but the PC version sounds like it could turn out to be a disaster for you, some people saying it's crashing every 10-15 mins or so.
There is a simple easy fix for that.