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KneeTheCap: Picture about the said character would be appreciated also.
Objectifier !

I don't have any favorite videogame character or at least, no one spring to my mind.
I'm not in obviously.
I'll give you the +1 though, because I need to put some positivity in that post ;p
Post edited September 17, 2013 by Potzato
Thanks for the giveaway, I'm in! :)

It would be obvious to say FemShep or Lara, but I have 2 characters come mind when I think about female protagonist:

Konoko from Oni, a real solider fighting for truth:

Kate Archer from No One Lives Forever, who is just a great female James Bond. :)
Umh, my favourite character in hard, but I think is Ellie from The Last of Us.
The character is based on several teenager stereotypes, but when you play you will attach to her, even if she is useless for the gameplay (yes, sometimes she slab some enemies, but nothing really important).
Then, there is the LAST Ellie chapter, where you must fight to survive and protecting yourself from a "monster", a terrible one. I can't say too much (I hate spoilers), but this section is intense, and after this...Ellie changes.

Great character.

EDIT:Here's a wallpaper XD
Post edited September 17, 2013 by Punished_Snake
Not in. My guess is you're offering Tomb Raider :p.

My favorite female character is Commander Shepard (excluding Mass Effect 3). And recently I came to like Ellie from The Last of Us a lot. Both aren't portrayed as a stereotypical female and their personalities are a fine mixture of power and tenderness. And good snarky jokes never hurt :).

PS. I left snapshots of Shepard at home.
PS2. Elena from Uncharted is pretty awesome character too. She reminds me of real women I know, except the marksmanship.

Punished_Snake: Then, there is the ...
This kinda has a potential to spoil the surprise. She never really changes and that's the beauty of her portrayal. (Note: Just an opinion, not a flame bait.)
Post edited September 18, 2013 by Mivas
I'd have to say that my favourite female video game character at the moment is the female protagonist in Dungeons of Dredmor.

She has fiery red hair to go with her fiery temper.
She isn't demeaned in the game at all.
In fact she is treated exactly like the male protagonist.
And I'm spending a lot of time in DoD at the moment!
Looks like it was BreOl72 who mentioned her first but mine would have to be Cate Archer. She is a strong character while still showing emotional attachment to a male father-like figure. Of course, she is curvy (as much as polygons could be when the first game came out!) but that's not the focus of the games. It seems to me that it's to make her just as much of a "man's lady" (female version of lady's man) as the male versions that she meant to parallel (like James Bond). The witty remarks and gadgets at her disposal also help!
Post edited September 17, 2013 by csmith
Kreia (KOTOR 2). Deep non-sexual character with fantastic voice acting. Pretty much puts the writing of every single Star Wars movie to shame.

Kaelyn (NWN 2 MotB) is a close second and what's more important unlike Kreia her story arc comes to a conclusion.

Thanks for the giveaway!
kreia.jpg (109 Kb)
Samus because she raised me from early in my childhood making her my real mother
Favorite BUMP
Joanna Dark From Perfect Dark (N64)

Never played the Xbox 360 Game

Incidentally iCompleted all Missions on Perfect Agent which i considered one of my few important Gaming Achievements
Post edited September 18, 2013 by Master911
Not in (I left Steam).

Console = Samus Aran
PC = Jade from BG&E
Viconia, from the Baldur's Gate series. She is the best cleric in the game, and is not afraid to be her own person even when the world is against her.
DRM_free_fan: Console = Samus Aran
How could I not think to her ? Nice choice indeed.
Post edited September 19, 2013 by Potzato
Not in but Rosangela Blackwell because reasons.

Also, I think her name is great.

Ros(e): Red hair
Angel: Deals with the dead
Black: Colour strongly associated with death and bad situations
Well: She helps resolve the ghosts situations (i.e. makes them "well" enough to move on)
Not in because I have and hate Torture Porn 2013, but I must add:

Mona Sax from Max Payne, especially in the second game. Well-written, totally capable, and so hardcore that she survived a bullet to the head. She's also great in the first game, though her role was much smaller there.