Yes, I wouldn’t make such an effort in trying to split the forums, if at least the search function would meet the requirements … it’s unusable, presents everything but not topic you searched for, and some more disadvantages.
Every single free forum software like phpBB or SMF could do
way better, no to mention the commercial ones like VBulletin. But GOG just had to hack its own instead of using and theming a sophisticated one. :(
VanishedOne: Here are some recent threads which would more logically be in game-/series-specific fora, but aren't:
I’m repeating myself, but in forum softwares like phpBB you could always moderate things and say “move topic”. That leaves a placeholder in the old forum with a reasoning and a link to the topic in a new forum. Of course this would need moderation work. I can understand that it’s not done.
VanishedOne: For that matter, the OP of this very thread is posting to General Discussion in order to give visibility to something that's already on the dedicated wshlist. I'm not altogether sure what to make of that.
The wishlist is no discussion forum and serves mainly as a petition with counting votes and leaving comments. You cannot discuss there, only enter comments, no quoting or editing, but they even don’t allow paragraphs or clickable links. I have created a parallel topic in here to gather some attention and upvote the wishlist. Also to discuss the pros and cons in here. I hope for both to gain momentum when enough people read them.