GhostQlyph: This thread is enough to make me want to leave GOG again.
I've had to shelve TWO different projects a friend and I are working on because we don't have and can't afford artists. I tried paying -- 400 dollars got me a blockout (READ: all flat surfaces, no textures, no modelling -- Doom 1 level design without the pain of texturing or silly details like stairs or doors) of the interior of a space ship, and a screenshot of a half-finished engine prop. And I don't have that money anymore because I got laid off from my last job.
While I agree plenty of indie games with retro graphics fail to focus on gameplay sufficiently, one SHOULD NOT simply say "HURRRR RETRO GRAPHICS IT'S PRETENTIOUS/LAME INDIE SHIT HURRRRRRRRR".
That's a good way to arouse my wrath, because I'm having difficulties making a goddamn pixel art game. I cannot draw. I'm a musician and game designer, not a graphic artist. And people in the visual arts tend to cost ludicrous amounts -- a quote I got for 4 walking animations of a single character was 200 dollars. That's PIXEL ART. US DOLLARS.
To put this into perspective, we may end up going to the MUCH HATED ultra-lofi 8x8 character sprites because at least we can actually MAKE THOSE.
And if our shitty graphics are just hurrrrrr retro indie hogwash hurrrrrrrr then why don't you stump up the fucking money to help us make better graphics, bucko? Don't talk nonsense about shit you don't know, or start paying the people who WISH they had more options.
Nobody said making games is easy, right? It's probably one of the sh#tties things to attempt (and one of the most rewarding if it works out).
I played Super Mario World to death in my younger years (still own the SNES), but 1st person PC gaming is what made me an absolute gamer fanatic. The game "Thief" is probable the most mind blowing experience I ever had to date and this is the kind of stuff I am into (non-existent these days also). I ignore those retro indie games, because I share no interest for it. I wish them the utmost best of luck and supported some of these projects on Kickstarter (and wish I supported some more), but this will never be my thing, period. So I do hope for "better" times with indie game development, but I know how almost impossible it is to go above that level of pixel art design (which still can be very good), but nobody said making games is easy...
Psychomorph: I dream about a different kind of "retro", a more recent one, such influenced by games like Thief, Deus Ex, etc. Immersive worlds, not just homages.
lettmon: Just checking, but are you aware that there are hundreds of fanmade missions for the Thief games? I'd say about 10% of them are really good. They are still being made to this day.
I am playing the Dark Mod, it's wonderful!
As a matter of fact there are many fan missions for the original Thief games that I haven't played yet. I am looking forward to play them, so there's still lots of awesome to discover. I'm actually glad I did not play it all, because there is still so much great stuff to enjoy for me. :D