Elmofongo: Try Resident Evil 0 and PS2's Outbreak files 1 and 2 aswell.
Remake, 0, and Outbreak are the best of the "Survival Horror" Resident Evils imo, mostly because of the better Graphics and spookier locations and athmosphere.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=bJRDarsXyGs#t=340 Crosmando: I've taken a look at Outbreak before, and I'll definetely get round to playing it because it has the same gameplay/graphical style as 1-3, just the arcade-y nature of it isn't my thing (yeah I know RE3 had the Mercenaries mini-game and RE2 had parts where you escort other characters).
Be warned Outbreak is arguebly the hardest game in the entire series, harder than RE3 Hard more and Code Veronica combined.
You have this Virus meter that
SLOWLY (emphasis on slow) increases overtime until you die (in co-op you become a zombie and turn on your friends) but it can be delayed by pills that stops th growth temporarily.
This game is harder because of the co-op element, even in Single Player the levels are clearly designed with Co-Op in mind, thus the increased difficulty, but I would argue it makes the game more intense even easy mode is still intense.
You play 8 different characters and they are all different from each other with their own special items and abilities.
For one the Cop can kick and has a stronger M1911 Pistol using 45.Auto Bullets while the college studant has a backpack increasing you inventory slots from 4 to 8.
Oh yeah everycharacter except college girl has only 4 slots, that low, but when you play single player you get 2 other A.I. partners, some people say the are bad, but I argue that they still manage to pull through and thanks to commands like "Follow" and "Help" they will always be by your side.
Also its not just one big world like the old REs, the game has mostly a level select, but each levels are HUGE with different puzzles and obsticles. For example the Hospital is full of leeches and you are being stalked by mutant zombie covered in Leeches who finds you by smelling you blood if you get hurt by other monsters. The Hotel thats on fire and full of Lickers, and the Zoo full of Zombifyed wild life like a Lions, Great Hornbills, and the Elephant.
And there are lots of weapons with the inclusion of multiple Melee weapons like Pipes and Make-Shift Spears.
Man this game is just so underrated, I blame RE 4 for overshadowing it.