Posted February 11, 2010
low rated
JacobNZ: Yes but I do not know if you have noticed but most GOGs, even those with 60 metascores get high ratings here. Its because of the 'hardcore fans' those that post on every game article, everything GOG does with 'GOG is the best and can do no wrong', it is likely these 'hardcore fans' that likely vote up every game. I know I have not proof, but you can just tell by how they blindly follow.
michaelleung: Jesus, if you don't like a game on GOG then don't buy it. Don't make a federal case out of it each time. Nobody's forcing you at gunpoint to like a game that just came out. Jesus, if you like a game on GOG then buy it. Don't make I LOVE YOU GOG billboard out of it each time. Posting about how great it is forcing people to change their mind to buy it and rennocing those of differing opinions.
See what I did their? I post to mitigate those posting about how great a game it. It my opinion and people deserve to hear both sides not just one. Or are you against this?