BoxOfSnoo: Well, explain why "entitled to access" does not equal DRM in your extremely stretched definition. Sounds like the same thing to me.
Because it's you being given acess to standalone installers that you will then run locally, not the files on your pc being given acess to a server to download whatever the files on your pc and the server pairing decide it's required to download. Regardless of whether or not you personally regard it as DRM it's definitely not the same thing, not even close.
BoxOfSnoo: ...Whatever you do do NOT flip the little switch for the GOG downloader... because by the same reasoning, that is DRM.
By some definitions it would be if it wans't for the fact it's 100% optional.
BoxOfSnoo: I mean, Mojang doesn't even seem to mind if you
decompile the thing.
I don't care what Mojang minds or doesn't mind, intent does not dictate the nature of things, behaviour does that.
BoxOfSnoo: Oh never mind though. You're angry at one company's implementation of distributing their IP. Fine. You can probably even borrow ne_zavarj's Notch-dartboard if you ask nicely. It just really isn't DRM.
Yes, i'm angry. I'm so very angry that i've bought the game. I'm so very angry that i don't even want to think about how many hours of fun i had with the game because it would be a troublesome realization. I'm so angry that i recommended the game to anyone inquiring about it. I'm so very angry that in this very thread i said i feel confortable with it all inspite of the client and how intial delivery and updates are processed.
That's me, internet angry man, zealot extraordinaire. Do you feel better about me not agreeing with your definition of DRM thay you got from wherever now that we've established i'm a rabid lunatic filled with hatred for the guy who came up with a fun game i enjoy plenty ?
Actually, and in the spirit of full disclosure, i did felt like punching Notch in the face once or twice back when the game was riddled with bugs and he was wasting his time messing about with square moon, round moon, square moon again.