TheCheese33: They haven't done a Telltale have they ?
Actually i will soon find out cause it's just finished downloading.
What the F**k !
Not quite a Telltale but why couldn't they keep the old point and click interface ?
Nafe: WAT? What have they done?
You misquoted. I never said that.
Nafe: WAT? What have they done?
Wishbone: They've completely redone the interface for the console players. Naturally, they've stuck the PC version with the same awkward interface. This isn't exactly news, this has been known for a long time.
So basically, they've made an updated console version of a classic PC game, and then made a shitty console port instead of a proper PC version.
I wouldn't call it shitty. It works great for me, but maybe that's because I'm using a 360 controller.
While I'm here, I might as well ask how I'm suppossed to keep the grog in the mugs from melting before I need to use them.