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Downloading off Direct2Drive.
The Xbox version is 532 mb and the PC Version is almost 2.4 GIG. I wonder what they cut out or cut down on in the Xbox version?
I for one couldn't be happier with the refined version! This is everything I had hoped for:
+ The new graphics are great; they greatly enhance the experience, yet stay true and loyal to the original. Art direction is fair, though it naturally can't touch the brilliant cartoony feel of Monkey Island 3. Didn't expect it to.
+ The new voice acting is a welcome addition, and many of the characters sounds spot on to what I imagined they would sound like (apart from the lookout-guy at the start, who I always imagined would sound like Christopher Lloyd for whatever reason - probably because of Back to the Future on VHS and theatres back then). Dominic Armato still rocks as Guybrush Threepwood.
+ The new music is in a similar vein to the new graphics; they stay true to the original MIDI, but is now completely orchestrated, enhancing the atmosphere perceptively. There are also new ambient effects, such as wind blowing, waves splashing, the chatter and background noice of the pirates in the Scumm Bar, etcetera, definitely adds to the atmosphere as well!
+ Having the original version available at the press of a button is the ultimate fan service; purists have no need to complain.
+ You don't argue with 8.99 Euros. Definitely not when we are talking about Monkey Island! Hell, I'd pay triple, no quadruple that, and then some!
+ It truly is MI1 2.0, and it is still the Monkey Island I loved and love! All the puzzles, all the story, all the atmosphere, all the fun; everything is still here and true, and arguably better than ever!
Now, I could complain that the animation is almost too close to the original, and I wouldn't have minded a more smoother style, but they have done everything in their power to stay true to the original game, so I really can't detract.
My recommendation: buy it! It is definitely worth the cash for any adventure fan with even the least respect for his/her genre! In my opinion, you can't call yourself an virtual adventurer without having played Monkey Island, and if you still have not played it, now is your chance.
Another point I would detract a bit is that it is still not available on GOG. Still hope to see it someday, eventually. Will gladly buy it again if that happens. ;)
Post edited July 16, 2009 by Skystrider
TheCheese33: Man, why are adventure games always so short? Then again, it took me a smidge bit longer than it took me to finish the first episode of Tales of Monkey Island, so maybe splitting it up into several episodes will improve the overall length!

In my opinion, there are some things to do to really appreciate an adventure game :
- try to do all the "quests" even the side-quests
- try to talk about everything you can with all the characters (and dialogues in old LucasArts titles are so fun)
- try to explore every area
- don't try to make the whole game in a row, some adventure games like MI can really benefit if they are played a little each day
I'm not saying that these are absolute rules, just my habits with adventure games.
Post edited July 16, 2009 by DarthKaal
dreadcog: Downloading off Direct2Drive.
The Xbox version is 532 mb and the PC Version is almost 2.4 GIG. I wonder what they cut out or cut down on in the Xbox version?

According to LucasArts's Twitter account, it goes like this:
The PC version of SOMI:SE uses uncompressed art and audio, XBLA has it's own method of compression. - that's where the size difference is at
Hopefully that explains it.
About the only complaints I have really are the closeups not being animated, since the normal view has an approximation of lip synch, I was sort of expecting the closeups to do the same but they stick to the original 1-2 static expressions. No real drama but not the way I'd have done it
Oh there's also a few points where the audio & animation synch goes strange, characters are talking for a few seconds before sound comes in. Happened 2-3 times but its not like it broke my experience or any of the fun
Definitely amongst the best au$16.50 (the cost for (1000msp) that I've ever spent
I bought it off steam (boooo shame on me) and i'm really enjoying it. I never could finish it back then as I was playing it on a friends computer. Time to finish it !
Heh, I just finished it again in Classic mode... This game is great. The only complaint I can reasonably make about it is that exploring the oversized landmass of Monkey Island is a pain. I'm sure that the whole place could have fit on one screen-size map if the original designers had felt like doing that...
It's funny. The Classic Mode interface is a lot quicker to use than the SE mode. Probably because everything is already on-screen and there's no need to hit the V and I keys.
KeitaroBaka: I bought it off steam (boooo shame on me) and i'm really enjoying it. I never could finish it back then as I was playing it on a friends computer. Time to finish it !
There is nothing wrong with being a Steam-user. Be proud of who you are!
I hope that the Spec. Ed. treatment will go to the other MI games. The flashing message "Guybrush Threepwood will return" at the end of the credits is suggestive, and I'd certainly like to see the other Monkey Island games in all their glory.
Post edited July 16, 2009 by Prator
Prator: There is nothing wrong with being a Steam-user. Be proud of who you are!

Kill it with fire!
Prator: It's funny. The Classic Mode interface is a lot quicker to use than the SE mode. Probably because everything is already on-screen and there's no need to hit the V and I keys.

I know. With certain puzzles, I had to fight the controls to get them to meet the time limit. I ended up doing the cannon puzzle two or three times before I really nailed my timing. Same with the grog. I got lucky by the time the final battle came around.
Other than that, I love it to death! What might also help is the fact that I've never played the original Monkey Island, only a little of the second one and the first episode of Tales. I hope they also remake Monkey Island 2 (Monkey Island 3 is just fine, just release it on Steam or some other download service with Windows 7 compatibility and I'm good to go) and completely ignore that PS2 3D one that came out. That game almost killed the franchise, and I'm happy to see it's recovered with Tales. It's getting to the point where I think Telltale Games are my new favorite developer, alongside Valve. They just keep pumping out hits! I just hope they never go back to doing those CSI games; they were awful at that.
Speaking of old shows past their prime, I was in Barnes and Noble today, and saw a disc set for the 7th season of 24. He's saved America so many times now that people should probably just elect him as the president, because he's stopped more incidents than many presidents have started!
Edit: And I just realized how off-topic I just got. Sorry, folks!
Post edited July 16, 2009 by TheCheese33
TheCheese33: With certain puzzles, I had to fight the controls to get them to meet the time limit. I ended up doing the cannon puzzle two or three times before I really nailed my timing. Same with the grog. I got lucky by the time the final battle came around.

Timing with the cannon puzzle? As in getting off the ship? You just have to put in the fuse and gunpowder then have the helmet & flaming business cards that never seem to go out, stand next to the cannon & use the helmet. No timing needed.
The grog puzzle was definitely harder without the menu onscreen, for the 360 version they weirdly put the use command, arguably the most common command in the whole game, on a diagonal on the dpad which made it pretty hard to hit. I'm not sure I could replicate my PC record of only using 2 mugs to transport the grog
TheCheese33: With certain puzzles, I had to fight the controls to get them to meet the time limit. I ended up doing the cannon puzzle two or three times before I really nailed my timing. Same with the grog. I got lucky by the time the final battle came around.
Aliasalpha: Timing with the cannon puzzle? As in getting off the ship? You just have to put in the fuse and gunpowder then have the helmet & flaming business cards that never seem to go out, stand next to the cannon & use the helmet. No timing needed.

I had trouble getting to the front of the cannon in time when I lit the fuse, Also, strangely enough, I used a piece of paper instead of playing cards to light the cannon. Kind of cool that there are (sort of) multiple ways to solve a puzzle.
As for the grog, I ended up using a mug for every screen, just to be on the safe side. It took so long to go into the menu, press use, select the grog-filled mug, re-open the menu when it closed, then select the empty mug.
Post edited July 16, 2009 by TheCheese33
Well it was stans business card, not sure if there was anything else you could burn, might have been everything that was useless as an inventory cleanup.
The process of lighting the fuse & climbing into the cannon is automatic when you have everything ready & use the helmet when standing next to the cannon. Presumably you can do it manually if you like
Not sure how the PC version of the inventory works but on the 360 you could select the verb actions in the inventory screen by using the dpad, that helped speed things up a bit