Posted June 01, 2009
Man, people on GOG are so friendly until you mention Valve. I love Valve, and I'll always love Valve, but some of their business decisions are so greedy it just pisses me off. When the Orange Box was announced to be the only release of Episode 2 (was it available separately on Steam? I never thought about this until now...hummm...but I never bought digital copies until recently anyway), I was pissed off like a MFer.
Even though I'll surely get L4D 2--probably when it's on sale, either preorder or weekend deal--and love it to death, this is similar to the Orange Box bullshit. I remember being promised that we'd get many new campaigns for free from Valve to play on the first Left 4 Dead.
Also, not to knock my loveable Weclock, but Dead Air and Death Toll were never available for Versus mode officially until the Survival patch. On the PC version, the option to force it has always been present, but they didn't work too well until the official release.
I still want my free campaigns. I'm pissed off, yes, but even still, I've definitely gotten my $25 worth on L4D, having put in more than 25 hours and loving every minute of it. Even if I paid the full $50, I would have been satisfied with the amount of hours I've spent having fun in L4D.
Hopefully the SDK is put to good use by the modding community, but I'm having trouble seeing many maps compare to Valve's, especially since the characters interact so well with the environments Valve has given us. Will Francis still hate elevators on any mods? or Zoey comment on spray paint? Is that sort of thing easy to add with the tools?
I do agree about the survival mode....It was pretty weak.
Even though I'll surely get L4D 2--probably when it's on sale, either preorder or weekend deal--and love it to death, this is similar to the Orange Box bullshit. I remember being promised that we'd get many new campaigns for free from Valve to play on the first Left 4 Dead.
Also, not to knock my loveable Weclock, but Dead Air and Death Toll were never available for Versus mode officially until the Survival patch. On the PC version, the option to force it has always been present, but they didn't work too well until the official release.
I still want my free campaigns. I'm pissed off, yes, but even still, I've definitely gotten my $25 worth on L4D, having put in more than 25 hours and loving every minute of it. Even if I paid the full $50, I would have been satisfied with the amount of hours I've spent having fun in L4D.
Hopefully the SDK is put to good use by the modding community, but I'm having trouble seeing many maps compare to Valve's, especially since the characters interact so well with the environments Valve has given us. Will Francis still hate elevators on any mods? or Zoey comment on spray paint? Is that sort of thing easy to add with the tools?
I do agree about the survival mode....It was pretty weak.
Post edited June 01, 2009 by RSHabroptilus