Miaghstir: What would it cost you to ship one of 'em to Sweden, and how much would you take for the painting itself, with the lower prices?
Signed for international small packet comes out at £7, as the paintings roughly weigh 600 grams when covered in bubble wrap and brown paper. I bust them down by 10% so the Mario painting would be £27 or £34 in total. The cube would be £43 in total.
If you wanted it sent unsigned then it would probably be even cheaper, like £3 or something, but I seriously advise against it judging by what's happened to me in the past :(
Miaghstir: Also, do you take paypal, if not, what other manner of payment would work?
Paypal is totally cool. I sell a lot of stuff on eBay and so regularly use the service.
Miaghstir: I'd buy either of the Mario or Cube ones, though 30 or 40 GBP + shipping seems a bit steep for me at the moment (that, and I'm away for the summer, so I wouldn't be able to pick it up when it arrives), economy will be better in august.
Sure, whatever is cool. Email me at "its (underscore) phil (underscore) fool (at) hotmail.com" whenever you're interested etc.
At the very least I'll kinda have an excuse to paint something else.
Hmm, that would be a good idea. If you do buy one, how about I paint YOUR suggestion? Sort of like a bonus for buying one. Sounds fun.