Romulus: I sold precisely
zero of my paintings. Apparently the interest was exceptionally high, but no one bought any :( I even bust the prices down and still nothing took.
Aliasalpha: Damn man, that sucks. Maybe you need to fake your own death, you know what that does to an artist's work
If I didn't have this enormous dental bill on the near horizon then I'd probably be making you an offer but...
Oh its cool, I understand. I feel sorry for you and your crazy teeth though, like I said, wouldn't wish what you have to go through upon anyone. I'm attempting to get hold of new gallery space, but I had to 'email' this guy and, you know what emailing is like, its very easy to ignore. I'm going to go down there and bust his balls in person because hiding behind some stupid electronic mail isn't my style, I want to see him face to face.