AdamR: Civilization V: Gods and Kings - I love Civ 5. It is
my first and only Civ game, and have been playing it since it came out. I picked up this expansion during the Steam sale. I'm sure I would like it, but apparently my processor is not fast enough for it. The
AI turn times got really long really quickly.
I'm talking 10 seconds by turn number 50. I got to around turn 75 in my first game before quitting, and waiting until I can get a better rig.
Wishbone: I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and guess that you aren't very old? This isn't meant to criticize you in any way, it's just that many of us older gamers used to wait more than 10
minutes for a game to load, back in the tape days. As such, we probably have more patience than people who grew up with hard drives. To me, 10 seconds doesn't sound like a ridiculously long time to wait for an AI turn, but I can easily imagine that someone who never had to wait for a tape drive would feel otherwise.
I've played the last three games, but no expansions on the newest Civ game. Once all the land gets gobbled up, the AI does start taking a long time. In Civ4 there was an option to disable viewing some of the AI's moves. Perhaps Civ5 has the same options and you have it set to view all combat.
I stopped playing Civ5 for an entirely different reason, it sucks. I still have Civ4 installed and play it on occasion.
Civ5 for me was abandoned, but I think it was last year...two months after it came out whenever that was.