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Think the only game I've ditched playing this year, possibly permanently, is Dynamite Jack after 13 minutes of play or something like that. Can see the appeal as an iOS game, which I believe is where it originated from, but it's not something I'm interested at sitting down to my PC and playing.

But, honestly, I don't really ditch games - although I might stop playing them for a long time, like Dragon Age: Origins for the past few months, I know I'll get back round to them eventually and see myself through them, even if they're really shit sometimes. Hell, I've really disliked most of what of I've played of Quake IV but it's still installed, with the intention being that I'll complete it someday, if only to see just how poorly designed a game can really be, because game design is an interest of mine.
Hm, if "ditched" means I originally wanted to complete them, but in the end gave up on them, I can't think of any.

There are a few that I haven't played in a long time, but I still delude myself that I will continue them one day. Then there are those I never meant to complete and only play casually from time to time. And lastly those that I ditched right after trying them for the first time, because I found out I had no real interest in playing them.


Oh, wait, I got one: Jak 2 on the PS2.

I played through Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (which I almost gave up on during the last level due to the annoying camera limitations - but I persisted) and then I played a bit of Jak 2, but I had to realize almost everything I liked about the predecessor was gone in the second installment. While the first game was colorful and rather cheery, the second game is bleak, with duller colors and less enjoyable area design. And suddenly the previously quiet hero has a voice and personality of his own that makes him less likable than his chatty sidekick.

Most importantly though, in the first game you could do things at your own pace, there was a great emphasis on exploration and collectables and most of the times you had several options where to go and what to do, with the (negligible) story unfolding slowly in the background. In the second game a linear story seems to take over, and instead of doing various "quests" whenever you want to, you have to complete one mission after the other, in a predeterminded order. The city is huge and at first gives you a GTA feel, but actually it's rather boring in colors and design and the linear gameplay is far from a sandbox style. I read the first two games are the best in the series, but I don't think I'll continue playing the second, as it's too much of a letdown after playing the first (which I found to be a lot of fun).
Post edited August 16, 2013 by Leroux
I think the only one I've ditched entirely is The Whispered World. It's beautiful! It's really one of the prettiest games I've ever played. But I did not want to spend a second more with that protagonist then I had to.
Wishbone: I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and guess that you aren't very old? This isn't meant to criticize you in any way, it's just that many of us older gamers used to wait more than 10 minutes for a game to load, back in the tape days. As such, we probably have more patience than people who grew up with hard drives. To me, 10 seconds doesn't sound like a ridiculously long time to wait for an AI turn, but I can easily imagine that someone who never had to wait for a tape drive would feel otherwise.
Correct. 25 here (I think...)
I can usually handle 10 second turns. I bailed on the expansion because I figured that if turns were taking 10 seconds after only 50 turns, it would probably be 3 minutes or more by end-game. No way in hell I could handle that.

SovietSharkey: Stalker Clear Sky basically same reason as Empire but take away lag and replace it with crashing non stop
I bailed on that one last year for the same reason. Clear Sky is ridiculously unstable. Somehow even more than Shadow of Chernobyl, which is quite an accomplishment.
On the other hand, Call of Pripyat was really well polished and nearly bug-free. I never even bothered with the CoP Complete mod.
Post edited August 16, 2013 by AdamR
I quit Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. I had it on the shelf for years, but only recently installed it by activating the disc on Steam (I don't like Steam that much, but for a game I thought I wouldn't like overly much I don't want to bother with switching discs - Dragon Age is normally in my drive constantly).

Anyway, I ditched Dark Messiah as it didn't feel like a Might and Magic game at all. It's a hack-and-slash game, requiring, as hack-and-slash games do, fastly clicked combo's of keys. I'm much more into paused RPG-combat, clicking buttons for abilities, then unpausing to let my characters do the fighting. Hack-and-slash is too hectic for me and I don't like it when it's my agility, not the agility scores of my characters, that determin if I'll hit.

In 2012 I stopped playing Lord of the Rings - War of the North because of the same dislike of hack-and-slashing, plus it only had one save which dropped me smack-bang in the middle of the boss-fight, there's no other saves you can get back to in the game.

For the same dislike of hack-and-slash, I decided to drop Forgotten Realms - Demon Stone before even installing - I got it as it completed my GOG D&D collection, but I've hidden the game in my library and deleted the install files.
Post edited August 16, 2013 by DubConqueror
I don't easily abandon a game, at best just put it on hold for an indefinite time (and I have heaps of such games). Two are currently quite close to being abandoned completely, both Bullfrog games:

1. Theme Hospital

I try and try, but I don't get it what are the elements which are supposed to make this a fun or interesting experience. And I like RTS games, so I presume I should like this too? I just feel I am designing and decorating some dollhouses (hospitals), after which I am mostly just waiting and staring at it running, and occasionally reacting to some ad hoc requests by the game that don't make much sense to me. It just feels boring overall, and feels more at home as a Facebook game along with all the casual farming games and such.

2. Dungeon Keeper: Deeper Dungeons

I played through the base Dungeon Keeper game, after which I've finished maybe half of the expansion pack missions (Deeper Dungeons). But the farther I get with the expansion pack missions, the more frustrated I become.

Now I've been quite long stuck in one mission, the main problem being that for some reason some of the high level monsters that I've trained for a looooooong time, suddenly seem to become unhappy and angry towards me, and leave me. And it is a kind of level where you don't get new minions automatically, so you should dearly hold on to the precious units you have in the beginning, or find elsewhere.

I have absolutely no idea why they get unhappy. I make sure there's enough room, food and different kinds of activities for them, I even throw money at them... but no, I just increasingly get messages that they are unhappy, and suddenly they just resign.

I also kinda dislike the game overall that I usually have very little power to stop my minions from doing stupid things. Like, could you builders PLEASE stop advancing all the time towards the enemy settlements and trying to open the doors behind which the enemy monsters hide?

Phuck it, I think I've had it. Whenever I start a new DK: DD mission, my first thought is "Sigh..." instead of "Oh my oh my oh my, this is so exciting, what secrets this new level has for me???". I'm pessimistic that each level feels even more frustrating than the earlier one. Oh well, at least I finished the base game.

One game I think I abandoned for good was Heretic 2, for the first boss fight. I just felt the boss fight was so stupid and hard in all the wrong ways. But sometimes I feel I should retry it, maybe I just didn't get it back then.

There are also quite a lot of old games I've started but decided that maybe they just are too oldskool to be enjoyable to me today:

- M&M: World of Xeen (that's M&M 4-5, I think?)
- The first Populous (frankly, I didn't enjoy it even back in the day on Amiga, even though I tried and tried... what's with these Bullfrog games that I don't like (besides Magic Carpet of course, which is great!))
- Powermonger
- Many Doom or Wolf3D engine FPS games, like Heretic (1) etc.

Oh, and certainly there are loads of (esp. free) tablet/smartphone games that seem totally pointless quite fast. Too many to list here.
Post edited August 16, 2013 by timppu
Not quite so willingly, but Sacred Gold and Sacred 2... just unable to play either on my Windows 8 laptop. Has nothing so much to do with specs and whatnot, it's just lack of it working regardless of all the googling and testing of potential fixes.

I need to try larian's Divinity series... I think I'd cry if DD and BD don't work. :(
Post edited August 16, 2013 by quixestic
I do not really drop games that regually, but I do leave them for a while. At the moment I have The Wispered Word and Simon 1 on hold until I feel like playing puzzel games again.
On the other hand Croixleur (I got from an IR) had to be uninstalled. I have never played such a repetative and mind numming game without at least a modicum of charm.

SovietSharkey: Stalker Clear Sky basically same reason as Empire but take away lag and replace it with crashing non stop
I really enjoyed the STALKER serise, and I really want GOG to get them so I can have them DRM free. Although they do have bugs I was luckly drawn into them enough that I felt a compultion to finish the main stories.
DProject: Sometime in the spring: Unstoppable Gorg. Personally, I'm not that crazy about tower defense in general, although I did enjoy Plants vs. Zombies a lot. But this game was simply just too hard for me to beat. Every level was a struggle, and I usually ended up with my planets (which the aliens are trying to destroy) having only a fraction of health left when a level was completed. And finally I ended up facing a wall: my efforts just didn't cut it anymore. I just wasn't good enough in this game.
I thought I was the only person to give up playing this game. It was a lot of fun at first, but after a dozen or so levels the difficulty went from normal to near-impossible.