I'm looking forward to this one. I get the impression (at least from this thread) that Fallout 3 isn't all that well-received, and I guess I can see why. It's... a big departure from the series' roots, but I rather liked Fallout 3 and even if this new game is done in a similar style, I don't think it'll bother me. I felt the core stuff like the ambiance and the sort of dark, gritty humor of the setting was kept intact, and so even though it was a first person game and all, it still felt like a Fallout game to me.
And yeah, sure, Obsidian's been a little hit or miss with their quality control, mostly because of their being forced to rush games out the door, (Which I hate) but they've still been able to do pretty good jobs with what they've put out. With me, it's never been that they've made -bad- games, so much as the games they've made just could've been so much better if they'd been given a development/testing cycle of adequate length.