timppu: [...] Unfortunately, then that discussion went to suggestions of there being two separate sets of offline installers, one with Galaxy and another without. Depending how GOG would implement that, [...]
HypersomniacLive: I don't recall this being a suggestion made by the community prior to Destro's post #929. After that, yes, there was plenty of discussion on that subject. Are you sure it was a community suggestion?
No, and I don't think I really said who made the suggestion (I don't remember). Might be GOG then, as a quick damage control suggestion to stop the heated discussion.
My point was that unfortunately most of the community seemed to think that is a good approach, having two different sets of offline installers which are otherwise supposed to be identical, except that one set has a Galaxy installer (stub?) embedded, and the other one doesn't.
I guess it is an ok solution to those who are going to download their games manually (using e.g. a web browser), carefully selecting for each game which files exactly they download. But it is potentionally quite bad news for people who use e.g. mass downloader tools like gogrepo or lgogdownloader, as they may end up downloading several different sets of the same games.
HypersomniacLive: As for the latter, well, since that's GOG official decision, we'll see how they implement it soon enough.
At that point it may be too late.
I'm fearing they just e.g. slap all the non-Galaxy installers under "Game Goodies", as then they would probably put all the different language and OS versions in the same list as well, as "Game Goodies" doesn't care for the OS and language filters on the page as far as I know.
Or if they just put the two alternative sets under different subtitles under the main download section... again it may be quite hard for an automatic script to detect which files are for which set. It is not reasonable to expect that such a tool would have exception rules for each game separately, there has to be some uniform way to tell the difference, and that way shouldn't change in the future either with newer releases.
Unfortunately, so far it seems GOG has different ways to do the same thing, so I'm fearing it becomes messy. Sometimes they put the "alternative" versions of games under the Game Goodies (e.g. Broken Sword, Stronghold etc.), sometimes they are.under the same main download section (Darksiders Warmastered Edition), sometimes they are under two different titles (Darksiders 2 & Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition, Pathologic & Pathologic Classic HD).
I personally am hoping that they don't go with two different installer sets, and that suggestion was merely a quick ad-hoc damage control suggestion to stop the heated discussion. If they embed the Galaxy installer into the game installers, just make sure it is a small stub, like a few megabytes (just like SteamSetup.exe from Valve is less than 2MB; it downloads the actual, up-to.date, installer files online before performing the actual Steam client installation).
Then I wouldn't consider it worse than how e.g. many GOG game installers have embedded Foxit PDF Reader installer (which you can opt-out). We don't have two sets of those games either, one with Foxit Reader, and another without. Everyone understands how stupid that would be. Same with this embedded Galaxy mess, having two sets of exactly the same games.