Sabin_Stargem: Time loops, with the ability to carry abilities and knowledge with you.
and this
Hesusio: Trains. If I can lay tracks, design rail networks and run trains all over the place, it makes my nipples explode with delight.
If there's an interactive train that goes through an RPG map on schedule rather than a basic teleport point, I might just die from excitement.
Also kinda this, but the opposite:
MadyNora: Hmm... usually it's not one thing, but many things together. But if I had to name one that picks my interest immediately, it would be "choices matter". (And I mean games where they really do matter, and the outcomes really do change)
I really love feeling the weight of choices on me (in games. irl I hate it lol).
I love making the world feel the weight of my choices, and I don't want to be stuck with the consequences in a moralizing / patronizing way. If I fucked up, I want an option to turn things 270 degrees and fuck up even harder.
Also, I want NPC attitude to work the same way, as a function of major decisions. No buttering them up with gifts or anything, gimme RAW DRAMA drenched in digital blood and fangirl sweat.
(Unfortunately, many RPGs shoot themselves in the knee due to fundamental design limitations: there are only so many characters, and the game is "oldskool" so party composition is even more limited, presets are terrible, inventory needs to be strategically managed, and options like "betray your whole party and go pal around with the setting's villains" aren't really on the table even if they are in the code.)
Base building in RPGs, especially as something to actually invest labor into.
Day / night and seasons.