babark: I'm curious, which games are you thinking of where the choices matter aren't shallow? Telltale's games were initially fresh and interesting, but even back then I realised the choices weren't really meaningful.
To be honest, when I wrote "shallow choices with shallow consequences", I had the Telltale games in mind.... But I'm evil :P
A few examples from the top of my head:
- Witcher 2 - depending on with whom you side with in the 1st chapter, the rest of the game is completely different. And even after that there are still quite a few choices that decide the fate of several characters
- Dragon Age: Origins - while the initial campaign is the same no matter what, you can make a lot of choices that determine the fate of characters and the world itself. The 2nd game on the other hand is the textbook example of how to fool the player into believeing that their choices matter, when they absolutely don't. Even the more important looking choices have next to 0 effect later. Maybe you'll get a letter with different words in it, but probably that's all. (Inquisiton is better in this regard, but still, many of your choices change no more no less just one ending slide =/ )
- Orwell - what data you choose to upload can have severe consequences on the life of the characters you are spying on, and on the fate of the Orwell system itself (and this is literally what the whole game is about - to chose what you want your superiors to know, and what to keep secret). I've heard that "Do Not Feed the Monkeys" is similar, but I can't comment on that since I don't own the game yet.
- Detroit Become Human - I don't have a console, but I watched everything DBH on youtube, and in this game
literally everything you do (or don't do) changes the fate of characters and how the story turns out. (I've heard that Until Dawn is similar, but I don't like horror, so I didn't watch any actual gameplay, so can't comment on that :P)