I've now easily put over 40 hours into Greedfall and am still loving the game, but after that many hours played , I feel I have a grasp of what the game does well and what it does poorly. So it seems a good time to ...
... list the things I feel Greedfall does poorly...
1) Enemies are locked to zones. There's nothing quite like an organic sword-fight spilling from a hillside into a valley, but... stray too far from the enemy's combat zone (an invisible radius) and they will immediately -- mechanically -- turn and run (at renewed full health) back to their starting position. While not a "deal-breaker" this mechanical conceit can break the immersion.
2) Awareness of enemies. Although the systems would suggest that individual enemies can become aware of your presence, it's not so in action. If you come upon a herd of enemies, they will either all simultaneously become aware -- or all stay unaware -- of your presence, a hive-mind. There is no baiting or drawing individual curious enemies. It's all or nothing.
3) Enemies and night. Prior to release it was intimated that night would bring about more and stronger enemies (like Dragon's Dogma), and while there are bands of rogues and thieves that spawn in certain areas of certain zones at night, many of the beasts in those zones sleep at night... meaning that night -- which never gets too dark -- is often an easier time to "sneak" through levels.
4) Elastic combat. While I think overall Greedfall's combat is a good, re-vamped iteration on the Technomancer system -- and most of the time it works well -- sometimes enemies can "teleport" seemingly large distances to whack you in the head and call it a day. No, this isn't as bad as Risen 3, but it does come about from time-to-time.
5) Every once-in-awhile an action chosen in the tactical pause menu won't activate when returning to battle, but again, this is rare... it's only happened two or three times in my 40+ hours. The same could be said for auto-aim glitching... very rare, but it does happen.
6) Until I finish the game,jury's out on map size, but... I never expected to say this, but... the world map is almost too big for the game. It's grand and beautiful and one of the most carefully crafted after those of Piranha Bytes, but with an increasingly maze-like construction, limited loot value in the wild, and general "sameness" of the biomes, it starts to feel like fewer -- more densely-packed -- zones might have worked in Greedfall's favor.
7) Cities. I love the cities in Greedfall (serene is amazing!) -- even with their general re-use of interiors -- but... one of the cities is meant to stand out... and it does so very, very slightly. Walking the streets I'd expected a bigger diversion from the external character of the other cities.
8) This is usual for actions RPGs, but just sating... character progression is slow outside of main quests. If you want to progress your character, don't prioritize exploration above all else. I've made it a point to thoroughly explore my surroundings prior to taking on quests (especially main-line quests) and have found myself very under-powered.
9) Puzzles. There aren't many puzzles in Greedfall, but those I have encountered drove me crazy. Why? Because the few I have found have been built from verbal cues and not visual cues... and I'm not always in a room where I can hear the dialogue (ah, family)... let alone remember it. Ugh.
I don't have many big issues with this game. Yes, it still has Spiders' DNA -- maze-like maps and back-tracking -- but it all works so much better in Greedfall than prior. I'm having a great time, but...
... I am slowing down my gameplay...
Because I don't want to rush this game. I love the beautiful world, atmosphere, and characters and don't want o see the title card "the end."