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The Witcher World is Back!

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, a brand new adventure set in the world of The Witcher, is now available on PC, exclusively via
Thronebreaker is a single player role-playing game that combines narrative-driven exploration with unique puzzles and card battle mechanics.
As queen Meve, build an army and engage in story battles as you unravel an all-new 30-hour Witcher Tale that sends you exploring never-before-seen parts of The Witcher world — Lyria, Rivia, Aedirn, Mahakam and Angren.

Thronebreaker comes with awesome free bonus items, available to claim and download right away. These include the official Thronebreaker soundtrack, the digital artbook for GWENT, the digital graphic novel Fox Children from Dark Horse, plus premium kegs, titles, and avatars for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game.

Note: Owners of Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales will get GWENT: The Witcher Card Game added to their library.
Fortuk: The game might not be out long enough to be able to tell this, but can anyone playing the game say how deep the deck building goes? And are the battles mostly set pieces or are there also straightforward deck battles?
Also, how much of the game is reliant on having played Witcher 3 or spoils plot elements from it?
I think I've heard that the game is set sometime before Wild Hunt (not sure if we're talking "a little bit before" or "several years before"), so you should be safe there.
Can't answer the rest, sorry. But you should have known this thread would not be for people who are playing the game, but for ideology-based complaints and rants. ;]
Actually curious about the game. I've never played any of the card game stuff so I'm not really sure what to expect. Is it sort of like a set-piece turn-based tactical deal, but without a battlefield so movement in combat isn't really a thing?
Really? It's out?

I had no idea.
DarrkPhoenix: Might have been interested in this game, but the utterly obnoxious way it's been pushed for the past several weeks has just completely put me off.
Same. +1
HereForTheBeer: Actually curious about the game. I've never played any of the card game stuff so I'm not really sure what to expect. Is it sort of like a set-piece turn-based tactical deal, but without a battlefield so movement in combat isn't really a thing?
From what I could gather from the videos (here on gog). You have two rows where you can place unit cards and at least some cards benefit from a specific row. Also there is (at least) light infantry (if I recall right) that can change rows. But I might be wrong and in fact every unit might be able to change row.
I haven't played the game yet. This is just what I believe the videos were explaining/showing. I might have gotten something wrong, so I don't give garanties on what I just wrote.
low rated
Hickory: I've never heard so much puerile whining about a company advertising its own product. Don't want to buy it? Don't buy it, and move on, FFS.
I also don´t understand all the whining, as if other companies would not done it, or as if it would be completely unique.

What I AM surprised about, though, is the homecoming revamp of a Gwent - they completely changed it! :O
This is entirely new game - just to rows on each players side and entirely different gameplay.

Also, UI wise it seems connected with Thronebreaker, where Thronebreaker is like singleplayer Gwent, and Gwent itself is multiplayer only.

I expect more singleplayer addons later down the road, and more multiplayer stuff to come as well.

Since I am not interested to play it online, Thronebreaker is the only of the two games which interests me.
high rated
Please GOG do NOT automatically add Gwent Online to our libraries because i don't want clutter up my library with games i will never try, thx.

I'm intrigued by this game otherwise but Gwent Online added is a dealbreaker when it's easy enough to add myself if would want it.
low rated
ChrisGamer300: Please GOG do NOT automatically add Gwent Online to our libraries because i don't want clutter up my library with games i will never try, thx.

I'm intrigued by this game otherwise but Gwent Online added is a dealbreaker when it's easy enough to add myself if would want it.
Just hide it and move on.
Meh, didn't know that GoDG have rebranded to Thronebreaker :)
high rated
Guys, you really need to tone down on the promotion of this title, I get it you are releasing a game, but a whole page ad when coming to that is a bit too much, really if I was interested in this title I would have bought it most likely a long time ago because you know... it has been plastered in my face everywhere for a long time now.!!
high rated
Thank you for killing off your own RSS feed in favor of aggressively marketing it. This was really NOT needed to replace your feed with an advertisment in five languages.
high rated
First off love you guys, love that you have a new game, but please don't cover my gog with a fullscreen ad that is super imposed over the site.
HereForTheBeer: Actually curious about the game. I've never played any of the card game stuff so I'm not really sure what to expect. Is it sort of like a set-piece turn-based tactical deal, but without a battlefield so movement in combat isn't really a thing?
> I've never played any of the card game stuff
As a kind of recommendation, not related to T:TWT:
Seek the best single-player (roguelike) tactical card game, "Slay the Spire", elsewhere.
Hmm, I hoped to have the possibility to make it run on my Mac using Wineskin but no, it needs DirectX 11. Wineskin for Mac doesn't support DirectX 11 for now. For Linux users it may work.

Are there also native versions comming for Mac and Linux?
Post edited October 23, 2018 by Silverhawk170485
kohlrak: they've only been overhyping it since it's initial announcement, and it's getting worse. It's kind of like some annoying teenage girl who likes some older man and he's like "nah, i ain't intersted in kids" and she starts pestering him starting with a poke and the more he ignores her, the the worse she gets until she is being absolutely inappropriate and he's gotta yell "seriously, stop it, you have no chance with me!!" I'm the guy, and this game is the little girl.
gamesfreak64: I see many many game ads on tv, doesnt mean i like them, but i also dont complain in forums about it, eventhough if someone does not complain all over the internet about game commercials on tv does not mean they automatically like a game or video or movie :D in my case i hate most of the ads on tv :D but i'm not gonna post them online.
That's a little different, though. You're paying for the channel, that way, just like most websites you pay for them via the ads. The difference, here, is that I came to check the news feed, which takes some time to load, 'cause i wanted to see if there were any good released today before i went to bed. I support the website with my purchases, but here's an ad that has gotten more invasive and in the way of me seeing that news feed. I'm expecting the next add to play a video that has to be watched until the end before i can get back to looking for new games. Worse yet, maybe i wanted to download one of my purchased games, and that ad would've been in the way. Sure, it was 1 click and an extra 5 seconds to load, not much, but at the rate it's progressing one can only expect it to become worse.

tl;dr: we treat passive and invasive ads much, much differently from each other, and the ads for this game have become very invasive.

Hickory: I've never heard so much puerile whining about a company advertising its own product. Don't want to buy it? Don't buy it, and move on, FFS.
Tarhiel: I also don´t understand all the whining, as if other companies would not done it, or as if it would be completely unique.

What I AM surprised about, though, is the homecoming revamp of a Gwent - they completely changed it! :O
This is entirely new game - just to rows on each players side and entirely different gameplay.

Also, UI wise it seems connected with Thronebreaker, where Thronebreaker is like singleplayer Gwent, and Gwent itself is multiplayer only.

I expect more singleplayer addons later down the road, and more multiplayer stuff to come as well.

Since I am not interested to play it online, Thronebreaker is the only of the two games which interests me.
It's not that they're tooting their own horn, it's just that every time they make a new toot it becomes more invasive. I heard about this game a while ago, and decided i wasn't interested. Apparently, gog doesn't feel that's OK, so they're making really invasive ads.
Post edited October 23, 2018 by kohlrak