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The Witcher World is Back!

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, a brand new adventure set in the world of The Witcher, is now available on PC, exclusively via
Thronebreaker is a single player role-playing game that combines narrative-driven exploration with unique puzzles and card battle mechanics.
As queen Meve, build an army and engage in story battles as you unravel an all-new 30-hour Witcher Tale that sends you exploring never-before-seen parts of The Witcher world — Lyria, Rivia, Aedirn, Mahakam and Angren.

Thronebreaker comes with awesome free bonus items, available to claim and download right away. These include the official Thronebreaker soundtrack, the digital artbook for GWENT, the digital graphic novel Fox Children from Dark Horse, plus premium kegs, titles, and avatars for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game.

Note: Owners of Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales will get GWENT: The Witcher Card Game added to their library.
Advanced89: What is it with everyone hating on the Thronebreaker banner on the main page?
Of course GOG / CDPR wants to advertise their new product. Which company doesn't want to?
Some are also putting ads on the TV and I hear nobody complaining about it.

Also there have been big banners for other game releases or sales announcements.

I don't see anything wrong with that. Games don't sell well just because they are good. Every game needs advertisement in some form.
they've only been overhyping it since it's initial announcement, and it's getting worse. It's kind of like some annoying teenage girl who likes some older man and he's like "nah, i ain't intersted in kids" and she starts pestering him starting with a poke and the more he ignores her, the the worse she gets until she is being absolutely inappropriate and he's gotta yell "seriously, stop it, you have no chance with me!!" I'm the guy, and this game is the little girl.
FlockeSchnee: I will make a wild guess (as I am not a buisness person so I don't know anything about marketing or advertising) and say: If anything, it will only push away people who are "overly sensitive" about advertisement. (This isn't meant as any kind of offense. Just my take on possible reasons not to worry too much about "masses of customers storming out the door".)
If I'm not interested in a product, I seldomly notice advertisement for it. Regardless how much or how less advertisement there may be.
Lifthrasil: Well, the thing is: I was interested in the product. I was actually waiting for the Thronebreaker release. But seeing how desperate they are to push it on everyone, I reconsidered. If the game is SO bad that it needs this kind of heavy-handed advertising, then it is probably not worth the money. So I'll wait for an 80% discount or so. This means in my case GOG's rampant PR did backfire. But then again you are right and I am kind of sensitive about advertisement. For me, good advertisement should inform but not intrude. If a company seems desperate about pushing their product, they usually have a good reason to actually be desperate.
Being put off of something you thought you would enjoy just because of this "overdoing" must be... dissapointing (to put it mildly). I can imagine how I would feel if the enjoyment of patiently waiting for something I have high hopes for would get tainted by something. Let alone get tainted enough that I actually change my mind about wanting that something.

The game doesn't have to be bad though. It could be a case of overexited devolopers/publishers and they didn't realize and/or care, that they might be overdoing it a bit because of it. I guess once the reviews start "rolling in" we will have more information to decide for ourselves which is the most likely case.
Post edited October 23, 2018 by FlockeSchnee
i judged the game by its first available screenshots and video....

based on that i expected it to be like Lord of Xulima which i instabought at Steam first because i liked the game and did not know if GOG would get it.... so i really liked that game cause i never buy expensive games at Steam :D

Now it seems the game is cardbased, not bad to use as a base, but more screenshots should have been available at the very start showing the cards in play, all we had were mainly rpg screens which left the impression to me it would be like Xulima, its not unfortunately.

Thronebreaker min res. : 1280 x 720 minimum display resolution

check attachment: thrnbrkxulima.jpg
Post edited October 23, 2018 by gamesfreak64
gamesfreak64: i judged the game by its first available screenshots and video....

based on that i expected it to be like Lord of Xulima which i instabought at Steam first because i liked the game and did not know if GOG would get it.... so i really liked that game cause i never buy expensive games at Steam :D

Now it seems the game is cardbased, not bad to use as a base, but more screenshots should have been available at the very start showing the cards in play, all we had were mainly rpg screens which left the impression to me it would be like Xulima, its not unfortunately.

Thronebreaker min res. : 1280 x 720 minimum display resolution

check attachment: thrnbrkxulima.jpg
Ask for a refund .
Advanced89: What is it with everyone hating on the Thronebreaker banner on the main page?
Of course GOG / CDPR wants to advertise their new product. Which company doesn't want to?
Some are also putting ads on the TV and I hear nobody complaining about it.

Also there have been big banners for other game releases or sales announcements.

I don't see anything wrong with that. Games don't sell well just because they are good. Every game needs advertisement in some form.
kohlrak: they've only been overhyping it since it's initial announcement, and it's getting worse. It's kind of like some annoying teenage girl who likes some older man and he's like "nah, i ain't intersted in kids" and she starts pestering him starting with a poke and the more he ignores her, the the worse she gets until she is being absolutely inappropriate and he's gotta yell "seriously, stop it, you have no chance with me!!" I'm the guy, and this game is the little girl.
I see many many game ads on tv, doesnt mean i like them, but i also dont complain in forums about it, eventhough if someone does not complain all over the internet about game commercials on tv does not mean they automatically like a game or video or movie :D in my case i hate most of the ads on tv :D but i'm not gonna post them online.
Might have been interested in this game, but the utterly obnoxious way it's been pushed for the past several weeks has just completely put me off.
high rated
Not even Galaxy is safe...

gamesfreak64: i judged the game by its first available screenshots and video....

based on that i expected it to be like Lord of Xulima which i instabought at Steam first because i liked the game and did not know if GOG would get it.... so i really liked that game cause i never buy expensive games at Steam :D

Now it seems the game is cardbased, not bad to use as a base, but more screenshots should have been available at the very start showing the cards in play, all we had were mainly rpg screens which left the impression to me it would be like Xulima, its not unfortunately.

Thronebreaker min res. : 1280 x 720 minimum display resolution

check attachment: thrnbrkxulima.jpg
i_hope_you_rot: Ask for a refund .
Thanks for the reply .... i did not buy it, i dont preorder anylonger :D
and i'm not gonna buy this game, i would be running at minimum again, and i stopped doing that.

I will have to get a new setup (pc) probably a custom build like usually no complete pc :D
so then i will be able to run the game very fast , BUT the screen will stay so no HD games for me , and it does slighlty feel as if there is some 'pressure' around this release, i read many replies and its a little 'stressy'

I cant find the reply asking how this game could receive 5 start , its only just released ? is the post deleted?
or disappeared because of the new layout that is far from userfriendly ....?
Anyway seems there is a invisible 'stress' going on right now..... :D i can almost feel it .....

Stress you'd normally find anywhere ( steam forums, gamersgate, origin and the likes , almost anywhere on the net, except at GOG.... which used to be an oases of peace .....
Post edited October 23, 2018 by gamesfreak64
high rated
Lifthrasil: It wasn't about the banner
Pond86: It is about the banner. Its about the banner being above another massive banner which means even at 1920x1080 you have the whole screen just showing two massive banners.

I have to scroll down 4 times just to get to the top part of the normal store when they do this.
Exactly THAT. There is advertizing and there is scaring people away because of massive intrusive advertizing. Sometimes less is more ;)
fronzelneekburm: Not even Galaxy is safe...
Now this is something that doesn't surprise me at all! ;-)
I'm happy this day is upon us, finally, since it probably means I won't have to be asked to buy Thronebreaker every single time I try to checkout. Rejoice!

(Also, good luck selling this game right after the completely distasteful and obnoxious tweet you guys made yesterday. Good job, I'm expecting some bad publicity in the weeks to come, which is not going to help sales of your sweet little game. Seriously, GOG, the person in charge of your social media is a dumbass, it's the third time already in a short period of time that something like this happens, I hope you fired that person already...)
I've never heard so much puerile whining about a company advertising its own product. Don't want to buy it? Don't buy it, and move on, FFS.
avatar The Witcher World is Back!

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, a brand new adventure set in the world of The Witcher, is now available on PC, exclusively via
Thronebreaker is a single player role-playing game that combines narrative-driven exploration with unique puzzles and card battle mechanics.
As queen Meve, build an army and engage in story battles as you unravel an all-new 30-hour Witcher Tale that sends you exploring never-before-seen parts of The Witcher world — Lyria, Rivia, Aedirn, Mahakam and Angren.

Thronebreaker comes with awesome free bonus items, available to claim and download right away. These include the official Thronebreaker soundtrack, the digital artbook for GWENT, the digital graphic novel Fox Children from Dark Horse, plus premium kegs, titles, and avatars for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game.

Note: Owners of Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales will get GWENT: The Witcher Card Game added to their library.
You're not trying hard enough, GOG. lol
HereForTheBeer: It doesn't have to be that at all. It's vertical integration, so nearly all of the revenue stays in-house within the CDP family. So it makes sense to A) push that, and B) push a product in the franchise that put CDP on the map.
Lifthrasil: But the point is, if you push too much, at some point you starting to push customers away instead of attracting new ones. And GOG's advertising is way beyond that point. It developed from slightly annoying to obnoxious to terribly bad. Giant banner, front-page video redirect, and bundling it with Gwent. Why would GOG try to discourage people from buying Thronebreaker like that?
THAT is a different question. haha. But I get it. The pre-order graphic was up top for something like 5 weeks, and who knows how long this on-sale graphic will be there?

I think our perspective is a bit different, though, as daily site visitors. For the customer segment that pops in less frequently - the number of which might vastly outnumber us addicts - it may not create the same ill feelings.

Edit: grammar, which might still be a bit off.
Post edited October 23, 2018 by HereForTheBeer
*edit* Actually, never mind.
Post edited October 23, 2018 by TerriblePurpose