XYCat: Is this game good?
It's not good....it's FRICKING AWESOME. :D
Darvond: This looks entirely like a mid 90s adventure game.
To which I mean, I wish anyone brave enough to play this,
Good Luck.
This was/is one of those games, though, that is very "atmospheric"(and yes, it lives up to that term, unlike some other games)...so much so that one wants to finish it despite the flaws. :)
pmcollectorboy: Random factoid. There is a crate in this game that says "Is alright? Is alright." when clicked on twice.
Which one/which room? Near the start in the professor's office storerroom?
pmcollectorboy: The storytelling is dumb, but that's only a minor quibble. I don't remember if there were notes or audio logs scattered about, but most of what you would call narrative is in the beginning where your badly acted teen friends dare you to spend a night in the haunted museum and then at the end when you beat the game. The real meat of the game is in puzzle solving.
I LOVED the silly storytelling, and thought it B-movie like(dunno if that makes sense) and the right kinds of hokey.
Shanbar: "What darkness conceals, terror reveals."
That narrator as well....quite apropos for the game/setting....often I skip the audio part of dialog once I read the text but this game & it's narrator VA made me listen to every line. :)
firsttenorman: Hello Everyone! There is actually a small community of us who are currently SPEEDRUNNING Shivers. We love this game and are also working on a 3D-Remake with current-gen-graphics and what-not. Please feel free to join our Discord at KvdEbJ8
Nice to hear....hopefully you won't get a C&D letter from the rights holders & they'll allow it to come to completion, and also that the project will succeed(far too many such projects fail over time, sadly).
Best of luck. :)