Overall as my general default, I prefer to own games on GOG rather than Steam as the DRM-free aspect combined with the ability to download full installers, patches, bonus goodies is of the highest value to me personally. That is some of the strengths that the GOG platform provides to me and which I value highly.
The Steam platform provides me with value also in terms of a much wider selection of games, the multiple authorized seller storefronts in heavy competition with each other so there are collectively more sales going on at any given time. In particular the bundle sites have been fantastic for me over the years although they aren't nearly as exciting for me nowadays as they were a few years ago, however they still do get a lot of great game sales promos happening. For games that are simply not available on GOG, Steam is my primary choice as a platform, however I rarely buy things on Steam as a storefront, opting to buy them instead from one of the other authorized sites that sell Steam games as I generally get better deals.
For games that are available on both GOG and Steam, my ideal preference would be to buy or own the GOG version, however they are not always identical nor come with the exact same set of features. In some cases the GOG version of a given game is superior in one or more ways which may or may not have material value to the individual, and in other cases the Steam version may be superior to the GOG version in one or more ways to the individual. For example, I was thrilled to see Full Spectrum Warrior and its sequel show up on GOG, but I bought it on Steam instead for half the price because it was half the price on sale than GOG put it on sale for, and the Steam version has functional multiplayer and the GOG version has no multiplayer at all. More often than not the GOG versions of games are the superior ones overall I believe but the reverse is true for some games also. Depending on what I care about most for a specific game in such a case, I may opt for one store over the other depending on what I want to get out of the particular game.
Then there are giveaways/contests/steamgifts/etc. of which the majority are always for Steam games, so I'll sometimes end up owning the Steam version of games due to this because it was a gift or giveaway, whereas if I waited and bought the game I probably would have bought it on GOG eventually instead.
Another category, is games that are not yet on GOG but there is a good chance they might be some day. If I'm not overly eager to play such a game immediately, and I am patient, I may simply wait months or years in hopes that it may show up on GOG some day. If it does and I haven't won the Steam version in a giveaway or similar then I'm likely to grab the GOG version.
In a perfect world though, I'd love to own my entire game collection on GOG.com, with all games having functional multiplayer with or without Galaxy, and all games being at least equal to Steam with features or better (for the features I care about personally). Sadly we're not there yet, and while it will continue to improve over time I believe, I think there will always be reasons to use both platforms for me in the future on a game by game basis.