phaolo: I'm talking only about Gog's own services.
Users shouldn't have to rely on 3rd party scripts for important things like updating their installers or properly searching the catalog.
I don't think there is any store that offers some kind of mass-downloading tool for all your games. There is no "download all your Steam/Origin games" buttons in those official clients either. Neither does e.g. Gamersgate or Humble Store offer such mass-downloading tools for their games/installers.
So it should be expected that a third-party tool needs to be used for special needs like that. Luckily GOG doesn't try to prevent people from creating such.
phaolo: Why? See Magog that has suddenly been semi-discontinued.
The good thing about e.g. gogrepo is that as it is merely a python script in GitHub, anyone else can contribute and even take over (fork) the project as well, if the original author loses interest/doesn't have time/gets abducted by aliens. I guess for now people let him do it if he has certain vision where to take it now (as the next version was supposed to change many things and bring new features).
Not sure if Magog could be similarly taken over by someone else, or does it depend on the original author.
phaolo: I haven't used gogrepo yet, because I really need the features of the new version (if it will ever be finished).
The current version works fine already. Sure it takes quite a long time to get the full manifest file, but it gets the job done already now.
I recall you don't want to use it because it doesn't preallocate the hard drive space for the files it is going to download, and you fear that causes lots of file fragmentation. Not anymore than if you e.g. downloaded your GOG games using your web browser. Does that mean you never download your GOG games, because of the file fragmentation?
Come on, just do it. Do it! If and when the new version comes, you can switch to it.
I'm also happy because I found/heard about workarounds to the two new features I was wishing for gogrepo, ie. blacklisting files (so that they are not downloaded even though they are in the manifest file), and dividing the collection to two or more paths/drives (as my collection doesn't fit into one 2TB hard drive anymore, so I need to divide it to two).
Pretty much the only feature I am looking forward in the new version would be the sped up manifest file update. Nice if it has the other new features too I am looking for. The preallocation of HDD space is not important to me, my current GOG installer collection is fine even with the little file fragmentation there may be.