Posted May 19, 2011

Oh and yes I've read the sticky -> turning it to windowed mode gave me 5 more fps which is about rougly 25 fps now for me; turning it to low or ultra makes no difference in framerate its the exact same framerate..
Is this being worked on or what?
I honestly looked forward to this game so much only to get fucked over by Nvidia favoritism once again.
I have the same CPU as you (though mine is only OC'd to 3.8), same amount of memory, and I have a 560ti which is not as good as a single 6950. I'm running at 1650x1080, and getting about ~40 FPS on average with everything maxed other than Uber Sampling.
So it either has to be your resolution, or driver issues. I know ATI said they would soon have profiles up for TW2 and perhaps a new driver. Maybe check if there are Beta drivers available yet?