RedRagan: I assume from your avatar pic that you own a Grado right? Sony MDR-V6 user here. Howdy.
akhliber: Yes indeed, I currently use Grado SR60i's, and I absolutely love them. I've heard the MDR-V6's are excellent as well. I think they were one of the pairs I tried out, but if I recall correctly, they were closed-ear (and I was in the market for some open-ear phones.) If I'm thinking of the right ones though, they sounded pretty fantastic.
Yep, that thing is pretty balanced and built like a tank (I heard someone own it for 25 years and he only need to replace the ear pads). The contender is the Audio Technica M50 but from my experience Audio Technica wasn't that durable.
I love open cans, but it need a quite room to enjoy it. I can't get that right now so I prefer closed cans for my "me time."
Also do you use amp? I own a cheap-ass portable amp and planning to get a better one.