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Fenixp: I've downloaded and tried the demo - well, it seems sidescrollers really didn't die :D
It's a pretty clever sidescrolling platformer, with a few neat ideas bundled together. It's innovative in it's own way, fun and nice to look at. That's what I call a good game! Well, it seems that way according to demo at least.
lowyhong: But the media hasn't gone bonkers over this yet, and I'll bet critics will be nitpicking this to death simply because it hasn't got a crazy, zany setting like World of Goo =\
Anyway from the demo, Trine is a must buy for me. Very innovative, and I like the art style.

Actually I've only read positive reviews of this game so far... for example, rock, paper, shotgun has been following it pretty closely with glowing reviews.
the link is a review and also has a pretty good explanation of the game.
Looks good, i'll try the demo.
Downloading the demo now. Holy cow, 461 MB! :-o
[EDIT] Great, it appears to not work under DirectX10. It's supposed to be backwards compatible, no?
[EDIT2] Oh well, reinstalled it and checked the "Install DirectX9.0c" box. I thought that would be pointless, but it installed something, 'cos now it works. It's strange, I've never had any DX9-only game complain before.
Post edited June 26, 2009 by Wishbone
I played demo and...i do not know what to say.This game is EPIC.
Gameplay,music and graphics are perfect.I buy it of course. :)
I just read about this game on a different site and watched one of the in-game trailers. Looks pretty damned cool.
Really enjoyed the demo, but wow, $30 is kind of a lot for this game.
Any word on its length? Or does Shadowgrounds make it worth it?
RSHabroptilus: Really enjoyed the demo, but wow, $30 is kind of a lot for this game.
Any word on its length? Or does Shadowgrounds make it worth it?

Game will be long.
The game takes about 7-9 hours to complete at first play, and there is a lot of extra stuff and huge replay value in both single player and co-op modes. Trine's all secret items are unlockable, which means you can return to previous levels to search the missing secret item and then continue from where you are with the item.
From here:
Post edited June 27, 2009 by acare84
I've noticed if you pre-order on err (sorry) Steam. You can get Shadowgrounds free.
deoren: Looks interesting. Hopefully they play on releasing DRM-free (haven't check yet, grabbing demo) via retail or from their site.
Edit: Not sure about the DRM-free part, but it looks like it will be released on hard media also. Awesome. :)
Edit #2: Neat. I explored the site and stumbled across Shadowgrounds. It looks like a neat 3rd-person FPS that features COOP play on a single box. Looks like a fun one to play with my brother, or even the wife. Cool.

They've stated in the forums a couple times it will have "some copy protection" but they don't know details at this time..I'm assuming they just cant reveal it til release day. :P
I emailed the publisher, if I hear back I'll post here.
Well, I just finished the demo. If the game comes without any nasty DRM, it's a definite buy for me.
Krankor: I've noticed if you pre-order on err (sorry) Steam. You can get Shadowgrounds free.

Shadowgrounds was (i think) the first game I purchased via digital-distribution. I'd recommend it for a purchase, but if you get it for free? extra bonus.
Yeah, I heard about this game for the first time two days ago when Steam did the preorder announcement.
I played the Demo and honestly it's a day one purchase imo. If it's 15 more levels of that kind of fun physics-based platforming goodness, I'm sold, with or without online co-op. $30 isn't too much to me considering that's how much I'd pay for a platformer of similar length on the DS. The production values are clearly retail quality. It's pretty and I didn't see a single obvioius bug besides wonkey controller support.
In fact, I was on my way here to make by own topic about it, but luckily I Ctrl + F'd first and found this topic :)
I hope Frozenbytes turns a profit on this one (they didn't on Shadowgrounds, which wasn't that great imo), as every indication now is that they deserve it. Support your indie devs!
Just got word back from the retail publisher SouthPeak:
"The retail PC version of Trine will use SecuROM copy protection."
Noooo. :(
chautemoc: Just got word back from the retail publisher SouthPeak:
"The retail PC version of Trine will use SecuROM copy protection."
Noooo. :(

Ah well. Too bad, it looks like a good game, but that's a no-buy for me, then. Got a link to that statement?
Post edited June 29, 2009 by Wishbone
chautemoc: Just got word back from the retail publisher SouthPeak:
"The retail PC version of Trine will use SecuROM copy protection."
Noooo. :(
Wishbone: Ah well. Too bad, it looks like a good game, but that's a no-buy for me, then. Got a link to that statement?

Just an email as of yet. It'll be up somewhere in the coming days if you want to be assured.
Edit: screenshot attached. :)
trine.jpg (35 Kb)
Post edited June 29, 2009 by chautemoc