7thGuardian: Skystrider said something about splitting White Wolf in more TW2 prizes - as in "more winners", which is a great decision for those interested in this game - White Wolf attracts more outsiders, some talented i presume, but more interested in amazon price than TW2, probably don't even like this game.
Just a conclusion. :)
Skystrider: We would like some input from the community on this subject; if, in theory, we were to reduce and/or split the White Wolf reward, in order to make more gold/silver winners, would people feel swindled or lied to?
Loving the competition so far! Regarding your dilemma, I think it is best to leave the decision up to you and the jury. The reason is, people who haven't invested in a lot of time for their entries will obviously vote for more bronze/silver/gold awards while people of the opposite spectrum will vote for leaving the proposed White Wolf award alone. Neither is fair, because our opinions are biased. It is up to the 3rd party to judge the value of the winner and act accordingly. Asking the applicants what the reward terms should be is similar to asking the lottery purchasers how the money should be distributed. It would be ok if you were to ask them before they bought the tickets, but asking them afterwards might yield undesirable results. :)
However, if you still have no idea how to go about this and would like the public opinion, I suggest talking with the White Wolf winner to see what his opinions are. It is my guess that he would be content with reducing his award so more of the community can win. After all, who is he to say "no" to the hand of the gifter?
Thanks again! I'm getting really curious who the future winners are!