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Anyone going to see it? It's coming out here in HK on the 28th, but I think you lucky ducks in the US are getting it a whole week ahead of us! I'm a sucker for any film with the word Terminator in the title, and even though there's no Arnie (what's the point in watching it?), I'll go for the huge sexy explosions and the robots and of course, the dreamy Christian Bale... wait, what?
Anyway, I'm thinking about going to see the downtown premier at the IFC mall with a few friends on day one, because I haven't been this stoked for a movie since... Revenge of the Sith (and that was a bad call).
No, i'm not planning on seeing it anytime soon. Too much on my plate right now.
Unless it's really, really good. Then i guess i'll have to make time for it (sigh).
Can everybody just please stop making music, movies and games for a year so that i can catch up? Please?
According to IMDB cast, Linda Hamilton is in the movie, or at least her voice ^^
Except that, I think I will see it, mainly because the background of the movie (post-apocalypse) is what they should have choose to make in T3, instead of a remake-parody of the two first films.
I mean, battles between human survivors and terminators in a post-apocalypse time is what we see, in part, in all previous movies, and I've always though it would be really cool to see, at last, a story taking place in this time.
As for Arnie not being in it, honestly I don't care. In T3, he was becoming far too old for the role. But except his age, the good point of Terminator concept is that Arnie has never played a specific character, just a robot model. It's really not the same thing as, let's say, Ripley in the Alien franchise. A Terminator movie can be good without Arnie. As good as the two first films? I really doubt it, but let's wait and see.
Post edited May 13, 2009 by DarthKaal
I love post-apocalyptic shit, and that's another reason why I'm stoked for this film. There hasn't really been a cool dystopic or post-apocalyptic film in ages (well, except Children of Men... I guess). Someone make a new 1984 film!
Personally, I thought T3 sucked.
And as for Arnie's role, then it's even less than that. He is not even a specific model of robot, he is just one of many robots of that model, meaning that not all terminators of that model look alike. At least, that is inferred in some of the flashforward scenes in the first movie, if never stated explicitly.
Still, the Terminator universe won't be the same without him.
Wishbone: Still, the Terminator universe won't be the same without him.

I would rather say that the Terminator universe isn't the same without James Cameron.
This movie is going to be awesome. I actually believe this summer is pretty sick in terms of summer blockbusters.
I am looking forward to the film the fact you really get to see the war between man and machine for more than 30 seconds makes for a thrilling bit of viewing.
Wishbone: Personally, I thought T3 sucked.

Same sentiments brutha, same sentiments. Like DarthKaal, I agree that only James Cameron is capable of presenting Terminator...well, the way it is. T3 was a pathetic imitation of T2, attempting to showcase a clash of two titans, yet failing to capture any of the charm of T2, or even T1.
I'm not hyped for Terminator Salvation, because I still think McG is a doofus, but I hope he proves me wrong. Then again, after watching Charlie's Angels, $5 says I'm right
Wishbone: Personally, I thought T3 sucked.

Let's give it props for putting Sarah Connor's coffin filled with guns, shall we?
The big problem with T3 is it's middle act, wich makes the movie a 50 minute long car chase. I really liked the beginning & the vault at the end, so i wasn't that dissapointed.
Still, it doesnt even come close to the Cameron films.
As for this new Terminator film, i'm probably gonna check it out since my expectations are really low, just like with the new star trek film wich i had quite a good time watching because of that fact.
From the trailers I've seen, the plot looks terrible, but it is very hard to tell from a couple of minutes of footage. Hopefully it will be a good film despite the plot (like Star Trek).
Saw ST on tuesday evening, thought it was great, despite many plot holes and other things.
Saw Wolverine the previous thursday, thought it was very poor, but in a way I'm glad I watched it anyway.
Currently watching the Terminator TV series, which is well worth watching (that goes double for Summer Glau fans).
Andy_Panthro: From the trailers I've seen, the plot looks terrible

Since when does a trailer show the plot of a movie? :p
More seriously, trailers are nothing more than commercials, focusing on stars and effects. Maybe this movie will have nothing more to show than what we see in the trailer, but maybe not.
Not looking forward to it. It seems like it's the latest classic action franchise Fox has toned down for younger audiences. If I'm going to see a Terminator movie, it sure as hell isn't for the plot; it's for an unstoppable machine to lay waste to the countryside, ripping apart anyone that stands in his/her way. I don't want to pay $7 to watch a movie that's been trimmed down for the kiddies by the same guy who censored "Yippie-kie-yay motherf**ker!" in Live Free or Die Hard, and also removed all the gore from the theatrical version of Hitman, then be expected to pay $20 or $40 (depending if it's good enough to own on Blu-Ray) to see the uncut edition.
Worse yet, I know that plenty of children are going to see it, because while waiting for Wolverine to start up, a trailer for the movie popped up, and the oohs and aahs wouldn't stop. Children that are in the stages of youth where they have to read every damn word that appears on the screen like they're watching Blue's Clues. Congratulations, kid, you know how to read giant words on a large screen just like everyone else in the theater. Now shut up while I try to watch the movie!
It's a sad, sad day when the only way I can escape being in a room full of obnoxious, unintelligent children who don't know the difference between a good movie and a bad one is to purposely find the one movie obscene enough that the parents won't take their kids to see it, which is usually as brain-dead as they are. Netflix, here I come, and here I will stay (for the most part)!
Andy_Panthro: Currently watching the Terminator TV series, which is well worth watching (that goes double for Summer Glau fans).

Season 1 was great. Season 2 was confusing as hell, plot didn't make sense, characters that I don't give two cents about, episodes that don't link together to form a cohesive story.
I couldn't bear to watch it anymore after several episodes. The episode where Cromartie busts into the jail to hunt down John was bloody awesome (the one with "Cromartie's story" and "John's story" and "Sarah's story"), but other than that, the rest of the show was just testing my nerves
TheCheese33: Not looking forward to it. It seems like it's the latest classic action franchise Fox has toned down for younger audiences. If I'm going to see a Terminator movie, it sure as hell isn't for the plot; it's for an unstoppable machine to lay waste to the countryside, ripping apart anyone that stands in his/her way. I don't want to pay $7 to watch a movie that's been trimmed down for the kiddies by the same guy who censored "Yippie-kie-yay motherf**ker!" in Live Free or Die Hard, and also removed all the gore from the theatrical version of Hitman, then be expected to pay $20 or $40 (depending if it's good enough to own on Blu-Ray) to see the uncut edition.
Worse yet, I know that plenty of children are going to see it, because while waiting for Wolverine to start up, a trailer for the movie popped up, and the oohs and aahs wouldn't stop. Children that are in the stages of youth where they have to read every damn word that appears on the screen like they're watching Blue's Clues. Congratulations, kid, you know how to read giant words on a large screen just like everyone else in the theater. Now shut up while I try to watch the movie!
It's a sad, sad day when the only way I can escape being in a room full of obnoxious, unintelligent children who don't know the difference between a good movie and a bad one is to purposely find the one movie obscene enough that the parents won't take their kids to see it, which is usually as brain-dead as they are. Netflix, here I come, and here I will stay (for the most part)!

Aren't you a kid too (ie high schooler)? Not that I'm much older, only 22. But if I remember correctly, you thought that Blade Runner was too slow. I'm kind of tipsy, so I'm not trying to start anything here, just saying. Also, kids can watch The Wizard of Oz, but that doesn't make it less of a masterpiece, or Ratatouille.