wpegg: I'm not attacking you here, just pointing out that you're treading on some shaky ground.
I know you're not and be sure that I appreciate the warning very much.
wpegg: Search Engines get by through the acknowledgement of the robots file, and the generally acceptance that they are not targetting a site. It's not your place to demand denial of trawling their site, it's your responsibility to get acceptance of it. It's their site, their upload bandwidth that your scripts are using.
I would be abiding by the robots file and it would, of course, be built to interact with their servers as little as possible. RepLog already makes more requests to their servers per hour than this hypothetical system would!
wpegg: I don't think GOG would go legal on you, it's not their style, and they'd certainly first ask you to stop. However the law's there for a reason, it's not cool to harvest another person's site.
Would it be any different if I browsed the site as I normally do and I just saved every HTML file into a cache for later analysis? Not using any more of their bandwidth than usual and I would be scraping data from HTML files on my computer, rather than from their server. This seems to be going to the same argument of whether Google is guilty of aiding copyright infringment by linking to torrent sites which link to torrent files which link to chunks of data which can be reassembled into copyrighted material :)
Cormoran: Cool, a search engine to find and expose downreppers.
So... when do we form the lynch mob and how far do we take their punishment?
Well if they are allowed to get away with downrating all of a users posts to remove their rep, seems like it would be fair game for the community to do the same to them.
After all, it would just be the communities "opinion" that they are abusing the post rating system, which is apparently what the post rating system is for!
EDIT #2 (for future readers): The above comment is laden with sarcasm. I argue against the usage of the rating system as a opinion-imposing tool. Post should be rated, individually (not by poster), on their (as much as possible) objective merit. I believe the only action the community should take against downreppers is reporting them to GOG to be dealt with.
EDIT (maybe?):
As a case in point. My rep has gone from 1263 to 1262 because post #151 went low-rated. Someone (or some people) have uprated it to remove the low-rating, but my rep hasn't gone back up. If someone would like to go and low-rate it again, we can see if my rep still goes to 1261.
By the way, I'm going to take it getted low-rated as meaning some people don't like the fact that I would be able to find out who the abusers are and who they are targetting in 15 minutes if I had that data.
Scared you'd come up on that first list, eh? :)
EDIT #3 (for future readers): Again, that interpretation is not serious.
See here for (hopefully) clarification