michaelleung: TheCheese, can you invite me please?
I'd invite you, but they haven't given me any invites. Which sucks, because they have a huge section exclaming "INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! CLICK HERE TO SEND THEM AN INVITE!" and it just comes up with, "You have no more invites left." I'll see if I can get a hold of some invites by messaging id on the forums or support and if I do, I'll get back to you.
Maybe it helps to enter your e-mail address many times? They don't exactly put a limit on doing that. Also, it could take a while. I'm pretty sure I submitted my e-mail a few days ago, wasn't even expecting to be invited, I wake up today, and BAM!
Like I said, I'll do my best to get a hold of some invites....
EDIT: Here's id's response to the same inquiry by a different person...
Invites are only made available at certain times, and once issued only are available for use for a short period of time. Be on the look out for when we notify you that we've opened up the invite system again.
So they want to play that way, huh? I hate these kinds of air-tight betas. The game is fun, though. It's basically Quake 3 in browser form.