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KingofGnG: Already playing the original on DOSBox....
DarthKaal: And?

I will see when the "remixed" version will be out. For now the monkeys are still worth playing for themselves, with no need for updated anything.....
acare84: Problem solved? (I am talking about forum problem seem to be fixed) :)

Which problem was that? Something does seem to be off. This thread is marked with the GOG staff icon, even though no GOG staff have posted here.
For 5 hours no one could post the forums today.
acare84: For 5 hours no one could post the forums today.

I noticed that aswell. I tried to post a couple of times and i didn't manage to.
Wishbone: Personally, I'm worried about the console aspect of it. Remaking the interface for consoles? And sticking the PC players with the same interface? Well, it might work, but I'm not getting my hopes up until I actually try it.

I played a version of this game on the sega CD back in the day. I didn't have any problems with control or interface, course at that time I never played the original and so I had absolutely no frame of reference.
acare84: For 5 hours no one could post the forums today.

Ahhh that explains the posting trouble I was having earlier, kept going on about errors on the first line of the page's code
Also: Wheee Monkey Island™! Going to preorder the Telltale one for PC and then get the x360 version of the special edition. The Telltale one will be awesome simply because the majority of the Telltale team are people who used to work on Monkey Island™ in the first place
I know I'm going to be switching view modes in the SE pretty much every screen just to look at the changes. The 360 release of R-Type Dimensions has a similar switch on the fly viiew mode, I often change between the 3 views just to see how things look. Oh and when I accidently press the switch view button which I do a lot.
I'm ecstatic about all of this!!! For Tales of Monkey Island, I'll probably wait for the whole game to be released before I buy, like I did with Sam & Max (I don't like the "episode" thing, and prefer to play it all at once). That way, I'll also get a physical DVD Rom as well (I also prefer hard copies to digital ones).
However, I'll definitely get the special edition of Secret of Monkey Island. Because even if I decide I don't like the new version, I can switch to the old version immediately. And since my old, old copy of Monkey Island has corrupt floppy disks, I can now get a legal version that works with my PC!!!!
Post edited June 10, 2009 by JadeUzuki
KingofGnG: I will see when the "remixed" version will be out. For now the monkeys are still worth playing for themselves, with no need for updated anything.....

Well, even if the game itself may no need to be updated, I agree with that, I must admit that I'm really interested in re-orchestrated soundtrack and the voices.
Now I wonder one thing: will it be possible to play the game with original graphics AND updated music and voices? Or will it just be "full updated" OR "full original"?
I wonder if there will be any plans to re-release the other chapters of this series. Maybe not as a special edition, just a re-release.
I am so incredibly happy for this. I cannot wait to see what they do with it.
whodares2: I wonder if there will be any plans to re-release the other chapters of this series. Maybe not as a special edition, just a re-release.

I'm sure if its profitable enough we should see Monkey Island 2 released as a special.
Ralackk: I'm sure if its profitable enough we should see Monkey Island 2 released as a special.

I hope so, MI2 is my favourite.
I was extatic too, when I first saw it. Well, extatic until I saw the concept art and the design sketches. Right, okay. They've done a good job on most everything, pretty much every character looks okay, some are really good. But the one character, the most important character in the entire game... What the hell have they done to Guybrush!
He's the MAIN CHARACTER for the sake of- There are already concept art, in game exposure and pictures of what Guybrush looks like, in every game ranging from 1-4, So why the hell did they decide to redo it?
Personally I've always loved how he's changed through the years.
First he's this young, impressionable youngster with long, slightly curly hair.
In the second one he's older, more mature. He has a scruffy beard and the hair's shorter.
By the end of number two, he's made young again by the Big whoop, and when he escapes, he's more or less back where he started in a cartoony, but very lovable twist on the original design. In four....well, we don't talk about four.
Point of all this being, that the godawful...MESS they made of his design in the remake is a travesty. That haircut makes me want to rip someone's heart out and have their guts for garters. Nothing like the hot winds of hell blowing in your face, but it's things like these that makes you wish you were dead.
You ARE glad to be dead, right?
Post edited June 13, 2009 by Isamael
Here is an interview with LucasArts Community Manager Brooks Brown.
Isamael: I was extatic too, when I first saw it. Well, extatic until I saw the concept art and the design sketches. Right, okay. They've done a good job on most everything, pretty much every character looks okay, some are really good. But the one character, the most important character in the entire game... What the hell have they done to Guybrush!
He's the MAIN CHARACTER for the sake of- There are already concept art, in game exposure and pictures of what Guybrush looks like, in every game ranging from 1-4, So why the hell did they decide to redo it?
Personally I've always loved how he's changed through the years.
First he's this young, impressionable youngster with long, slightly curly hair.
In the second one he's older, more mature. He has a scruffy beard and the hair's shorter.
By the end of number two, he's made young again by the Big whoop, and when he escapes, he's more or less back where he started in a cartoony, but very lovable twist on the original design. In four....well, we don't talk about four.
Point of all this being, that the godawful...MESS they made of his design in the remake is a travesty. That haircut makes me want to rip someone's heart out and have their guts for garters. Nothing like the hot winds of hell blowing in your face, but it's things like these that makes you wish you were dead.
You ARE glad to be dead, right?

You are aware that you can switch back and forth between the old and new graphics in-game right?