Wishbone: Beautiful GOG games
Retro gaming at its finest
Windows only
Fightmoses: Well that's just ridiculous, macbooks are becoming more and more popular.
I have all the visual card and mechanics needed to run any of the games they have on here.
I'm just saying the Mac owners deserve to have the same gaming experience with their computer as anyone else has.
Also, I had a trial version of MDK 2 on my old old imac.
so why not let them be used on the new versions of mac that can actually handle the games?
I will give a simple response to this so you don't get barrels of anti Mac rhetoric thrown at you.
Dual Boot option!
USE Bootcamp
Install Windows 7
I had a MacBook Pro for almost two years, I sold it January 09, I used Bootcamp on it, sure it had problems, but overall Bootcamp to play GOG games is a great experience.
If you don't fancy that, then buy a PC Netbook on the cheap for 300-600 dollars that will run everything on here.
No platform is entitled to anything, it is Apple's job to entice developers to support their platform, just like Sony or Microsoft does to entice dev's to make games for Xbox or PS3.
It's never healthy to feel entitled or "demand" that a service revolve around your tech situation.
I hope that helps and keeps some of the Mac haters away.