Psychomorph: Yet history shows how people like Stalin and Hitler are successful if there is nothing that can stop them, because of being manipulative and forceful and taking recklessly what they want. Sure, Hitler went down because of his insanity, as a consequence of his actions, but that doesn't change the fact that he was successful and raged for almost a decade freely.
#1: Hitler started by helping the German people quite a bit without which the remainder of what he did wouldn't have worked.
#2: There was not one psycho, but several in this scenario. The way other countries treated Germany after WWI was pretty bad and generated the level of discontent necessary for WWII. In the end, none of the agents who acted in a psychotic manner (Hitler or the winners of WWI) benefited from their selfish acts.
#3: Hitler didn't just go down because of his insanity. Like many conquerors before him, he got too power hungry and ultimately alienated a coalition of countries that were too big for him to handle.
Had he been less psychotic and more risk adverse, he would have stopped after his pre-WWII early gains or worked out something with the Russians.
Psychomorph: I'd say the weaker the foundation of society, the more go the psychos have. Today, let's say in the West, we enforced a system, that makes it difficult for psychos to emerge (because a ruler can be kicked off his chair easily), but this is not the case in all the places, which shows that if the group (society) is not unified and strong, than anarchy or psychos have their easy go, because they like to take power and rule over people (something most normal people don't wish to do) and they do it best during chaos.
Yes, you can definitely have a social framework that is more or less likely to produce psychos or otherwise enable them.
Psychomorph: I'd say historically a large percentage of rulers in a non democratic environment, have been "evil", because power corrupts the good souls and the bad souls seek for power.
Honestly, I don't buy the power corrupts argument. A wise ruler will spread the power around. Those who tend to become all powerful and hoard all the power were rotten from the start.
btw, overworked, insecure, uneducated people are not very smart. It's not that hard to hijack democracy in such an environment. Democracy is not a silver bullet.
Psychomorph: I definitely agree that the egoistic bastard are not the top of the evolutionary chain, but they like to climb their way up there and they do it very successfully if nothing opposes them. That's a way of survival. And if the psycho is smart enough, he makes sure to make it difficult being opposed (Stalin saw no downfall, injustice was never addressed in this case).
On a smaller scale, but you need to look at the bigger picture.
The egoistic bastard was successful within his context, but ultimately, the context that produced and enabled the said egoistic bastard collapsed.
That natural selection applied at the macro, social level.
We are experiencing that very natural selection of societies in the West right now. We are not well adapted at all to survive and thrive as our society evolved in a context of military dominance and constant expansion due to colonization and leeching our resources from other parts of the world. We never really developed a stable self-sustaining social model. Whichever culture manages to pull this off will be the alpha dog of the future.
Psychomorph: Another element not to forget is the complex social structure of later societies, with their variety of values and ideas. A crazy bastard can be easily supported if his view is shared by the general public or the authorities (Inquisition was the righteous way back in the day, even if it is insane).
And that will be the downfall of the said society. Read my comment above.
Psychomorph: In the earlier days, during the stone age, things were simpler and straightforward. A psycho ruler could be splayed easily if a couple of individuals of the group disagree with him. The principles of society were simpler, less crazy religious or ethnic ideologies. It was about the survival of the group and selfishness was a threat to it. Things were pure back then, today we face a mess of different ideas, of which half are based on insanity.
Actually, I find the interconnected more social evolution we are subjected to right now more interesting.
I find it is more conductive to ultimately producing a truly social, co-operative forward thinking master race.
My only regret is that if we manage not to self-destruct on a global scale and it comes to fruition, I won't be around to see it happen. Evolution is a very slow process unfortunately and very painful for those subjected to it, even if the end result is beautiful. The endless number of less well adapted living organisms who need to suffer and die in order to produce a better one is a bit scary.