nightrunner227: Is the reason you're down because of a bunch of stuff happening that's just been out of your control, or is it just something that's been coming and going of late for no apparent reason?
darthspudius: To be honest, it's been an on going thing for a few years now but it doesn't help that things just keep adding to it. Whether it's personal issues, work related, social problems, problems with myself etc. So much built up frustration.
When I had my big depression (lasted about 3 years or so), two things helped me out: Random people who pulled me into their groups, and experimenting with whatever my curiosity brought me too.
For instance, I was browsing in the local library once, when someone I kinda knew (but not really) came up to me. We started talking about different books we read, and eventually she told me to try coming to an advisory panel meeting at the library. It wasn't exactly something I was interested in, but I went anyway. The people there just sucked me into their crazy little worlds, and I found myself having an enjoyable time with them (even the one time they forced me to replace a character for a skit who happened to be a girl). Sometimes just getting to know a world outside your own helps, even for an awkward silent-type like me.
As for curiosity hunting, I started writing, I tried out different diets (vegan only lasted a couple days), hunted down information about different topics, started tinkering with electronics, etc. There's a couple reasons this helped me. First off, it gave me control over what was happening in my life. Everything I tried was a conscious decision, rather than happenstance. Second, I actually ended up enjoying a lot of stuff that I tried out, and even those I didn't like made me feel refreshed. Even now, I still try to experiment whenever I can, like right now (learning German and how to program). It's not even about finding what you like to do. It's more about just going on an adventure, leaving all the bullshit behind or at least covering it up with a fresh batch of experiences.
I can't really say any of what I said would help you, but it's food for thought, and thoughts are always better when fresh and tasty.